
Is it racist if it’s done with such loving care and attention to detail?

Convince game companies to actually punish people for saying shit like this. Like zero tolerance policies. You do this even once perma-banned.

I dunno where the “zombie” stereotype even comes from or how it got to be so prevalent. At 33, I started taking a med for bipolar disorder and holy hell was it one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’m not actually on it right now, but for other reasons and I plan to get back to it.

The med totally evened me out. I

You’re conveniently forgetting the part where he helped throw a guy who asked Jesse Cox a transphobic question out of CoxCon and caught a ton of flack for Nazis online. Or the part where his political and social views turned around significantly in the past two years of his life.

Saw on Twitter that this was coming, so at least I’m not blindsided this time, but it’s still sad.

Sounds like an arse, and I’m sorry that that’s how he chose to live his life. I hope he was able to reflect, and perhaps grow beyond some of this type of behaviour.

John later apologized for much of what he said in anger. Before GamerGate was ever a thought on people’s minds he advocated for ethics/proper discourse in game journalism. Unfortunately, plenty of alt-right dickheads latched onto that phrase as an excuse to be dickheads and the phrase has since lost its meaning.

Is now REALLY the fucking time for this?

1. Don’t be an asshole. (whoops. I fed the troll)
2. Patricia is great! Her work and influence has greatly contributed to what I love about Kotaku and gaming as a whole. Moving beyond mere game coverage and into the broader picture was an important shift that has led and will continue to lead to all sorts of

I have questions! Will you keep doing “Fave This” or does that end too? Also when you go to Waypoint will you be doing Tactical Tuesdays with Dannielle? Also good luck, where ever you’re going at least you don’t have to deal with kinja any longer.

Thank you for providing unique perspectives even though I disagreed a lot. I always appreciated your opinions even though Pikachu is a really good boy who deserves your kindness. Wishing you the best even though I dislike Drake vehemently. Good luck in your future endeavors even though

For what it’s worth, I’ve always appreciated your work here, Patricia. While on-the-job learning and growth is never an easy thing, you handled it with style, panache, and a great deal more maturity than evinced by your naysayers.

So good on you for that.

I’ll definitely miss your articles—and moreso, your sense of

I didn’t always agree with you. Hell, there were a few times where I vehemently dissented with every fiber of my being.

It’s a sad day. I remember vividly how acrimonious the commentariat was with your work. It was a bit absurd, childish, and fully gamergatey of them.

I’m sure the PES games are great, I still wouldn’t want to play them in Witcher 3.

1. That game is perfectly winnable.

All the fucking dismantling you did in this thread is a work of art that I need to frame forever in a museum.

No. You have not made a compelling point that racism=good. You are deluded in that regard. This is not because I am brainwashed, or because I can’t think for myself, or because of mainstream sources, or because of your superior grasp of ethics; it’s because racism isn’t good. It is bad. That we’ve come to this is

First: ChrisG wasn’t making a joke, and the setting was publicly and on Facebook. I’ll answer your question, but it doesn’t apply to ChrisG.

Steam (supposedly) doesn’t allow adult games but I have to put my birth date in for half the games in the store. Seems kinda stupid.