
Do you care about mine?

Enjoyed reading your work.

Fair enough, one needs some sort of thick skin to survive on the internet, especially if they’re putting their body on display as a cosplayer or their work as a fan artist. At the same time, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect everyone else to keep in mind that words can be truly hurtful. If they’ve got

There she is now.

Is that what passes for snark nowadays? Goodness gracious.

Do you say that to people who gush about liking his work too? Genuinely curious.

I wonder how far an average human can make it through his playlist before they crack

I guess it could be Persona.

Yes yes yes. I played the wizarding shit out of that GBC Chamber of Secrets game. That for me was the peak of HP games.

if you don’t know what a “waifu” is, better not to ask. you’ll just have to trust me on that.

I mean, not even the current leader. the former leader. Wayyyy back. Your country didn’t even exist when this dude was in power. So never mind Trudeau.

The key word being “diagnosable”? Because we all know there *must* be something wrong with these people. No sane person would ever do something like this.

just because the percentage increase doesn’t match up exactly, doesn’t mean there isn’t a link. Of course, just because there is a correlation, doesn’t imply causation. But maybe it’s worth invrstigating?

If he hunts animals for sport and not because he needs to in order to survive, then yes.

Please hire white actors to play them... but only for that first few hours of the game where they use custom avatars. Then switch em back to Japanese people. Since they are, uh, Japanese.

I guess by “trap”, you mean “people dressing in uniforms that don’t match their sex in an attempt to trick others”. And yeah. I suppose there might be a few. But I suspect there will be a lot more “people who can wear what makes them feel more comfortable now and everyone else’s opinions be damned”. Which, in my book,

They do football better too.

think you misspelled “especially” there

in my experience*, everybody wearing a skirt in jhs or high school in Japan also wears shorts underneath. Because when it comes to PE or cleaning time, the skirts just get dropped and away they go. Bit of a shock, the first time I saw it!

Have you ever eaten a salad with chopsticks? Waaaaay easier than with a knife and fork. Some fish too - it’s easier to be delicate with a pair of chopsticks.