
“They tracked us through hyperspace”

That’s odd, cause he says “consensual” not “heterosexual”. Don’t know how you wound up reading it in that way.

And while that may be a slight improvement, it’s still a shitty thing to say.

None of it.

Arsenal are known as “The Gunners” because cannons used to be made in that area (maybe). Anyway, the cannon is their emblem. Probably helps to dissuade unruly bar behaviour too...

Granted, it’s a *poorly written* joke about virginity *that is juvenile and unnecessary*. But yeah, you’re probably right. He didn’t intend to call them rapists, it just came out that way because he is a poor writer.

I dunno, when compared to similar board games that’s not a bad price. Shipping is shipping but $20-25 for a small board game is pretty standard.

Eh? He was in One Piece? I thought this was about Naruto.

I get a dirty chuckle; you get a star.

KNCOFE is my favourite series.

I think it says a lot that the comparison that immediately springs to mind is “kids”. I mean, a lot of gamers are kidals, sure. And a lot more just act like em.

Oop, careful. Remember what happened last time someone called gamers a bunch of irrational tantrum throwers..?

It’s nuts, right? All credit to accountability and whatever but he stole 12k, 6 years ago.

It’s much more about being seen to take some kind of concrete action in response to this /heinous/ crime.

I’m also European. Hurray for us!

Hi, just wondering if you’ve heard of the word “localise” as in “localisation” (maybe you spell it with a z).

Rule number 1 of making jokes:

I ran a few scenarios through in my head and the word that would most likely get me to believe you were sincere is “legit”. I am but one person so you might wanna get more data points but I believe “legit” is a good way to express “I am not being sarcastic I actually sincerely respect you and admire that move you just

You need to look deeper.