I will NOT be shamed for my detective plots, my repaired plumbing, my Osporns (porn parody of the Ozzbornes)!!
I will NOT be shamed for my detective plots, my repaired plumbing, my Osporns (porn parody of the Ozzbornes)!!
Day Made!
MacBreast is my new favorite English Literature
omg, I'm giggling like a psychopath, this gif is awesome
Totally Bonkers? More like totally Lazy
Yes! yes yes yes, where is the donations box?
Thanks for the reference, time to find some of these interviews online:)
The wacky thing is that regularly, wearing a surgical dressing has people asking about how you are healthwise WAY more often than questions about the surgery performed. Trans men/women don't get the "how are you doing?" they get "what's in your pants?" question.
Good God, that's a polite response to a Twit. She's a much better person than most.
Oh dear, while I was typing another response this thread escalated out of hand quickly.
Hi Thar, Dallylama :)
Totally! My whole life, I kept finding ways people "create" or identify as other personas (role playing, writing, Furries) and comparing them to this peculiarity I felt inside about what the world and I disagreed about. Was past 30 when I finally figured it out.
Oh, I want us to be friends. Also, I'd like all my friends to be you.
Also, the most interesting part of a criminal case might be the execution, still not televised. Basic human rights, and a notion of privacy, please.