
You could absolutely bet that DJI is going to be slapped with a Huawei sized ban, the Trump admin’s attitude is basically ‘if its Chinese and doing better than us, smear them with some bullshit and ban them’.

Don’t sweat it, man, the housekeeper has been rejecting my advances too.

Can’t something just be fun without being taken way too seriously?

you think your cats would give two shits about saving you if the situation were reversed?

I guess you are different to me.

Fire sale!

There was a study done in the UK a few years back that showed older fathers had a higher probability of fathering a child with autism. Not vaccines. Old dads. 

So the women should compete with men? They are all human, why bother categorizing them at all!

We are about to eat our candidates again. If you had a company, you’d never hire Trump to run it. If someone in your personal life bragged or lied like Trump, you’d never hang out with them. The person I knew in college that bragged and lied like that was known as “Annoying Man” by me and my friends. Yet somehow this

Gates does some good charity work, sure. But that doesn’t mean billionaires should be allowed to exist. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to “earn” a billion dollars. A billion dollars is never earned, it’s taken.

In surveys, heterosexual women have shown a preference for taller men.

I’m all for dumping on Facebook, but this article seems to be trying a little too hard. At worst this is a “meh”.

It’s true that Chinese firms have, in the past, stolen IP for their own purposes which seems to be the fault of the US companies that hired untrustworthy subcontractors in a doubled-over effort to pinch off an extra buck for their investors. But I digress. Just as the phrase “Made in Japan” evolved in meaning over

I’ve read two theories:
1. It’s simply a continuation of the processes to tighten the boarders against terrorist threats.
2. The US requires people from Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Romania to have a visa.  The EU asked the US in 2010 to treat all member states equally.  The US said they’d look into it.  Nine

Decreased trust in the US. 

You sound like you’re doing it right! I have tolerance of kids being annoying until they’re about 6, but if you as a parent are saying “what can you do? kids gonna kid” that’s just lazy.

Maybe because we still havent been presented with a single shred of evidence of it happening? The longer this goes on the more it appears that the ire our agencies have for Huawei is due to the lack of any enceyption backdoors at all.

Bingo, and despite the awfulness of the two sequels and spinoffs, the IP’s writers have subtly continued with the theme of the war's pointlessness with the humans gradually losing the war.

“..The problem with the question of ‘what do men want?’ is that they usually just tell you, rather inelegantly...”

I agree. This was early-mid-90s Tim Burton, when he was on fire. He would’ve known what he was doing, even if the idea was mad - it would’ve been fun.