
Dont forget that time when a Russian telegram bot was set up for users to report Ukrainian troop movements during the crucial early weeks of the war, where following its discovery the resulting NAFO spam was so intense that the channel had to be shut down, possibly affecting the outcomes of actual battles on the

The prevailing theory is that the contract between Russian state owned Gazprom and the German government for Nord Stream had some hefty financial penalties that would automatically kick in the case of any decline in output that wasnt agreed upon by both parties.

Both Castro and Franco’s fathers are Gallican from northwest Spain and Portugal, frankly I honestly would not be surprised if they were distantly related because the resemblance is shocking.

There was only ever one effective herbal contraceptive and abortion remedy and that was the ancient Silphium plant, which worked by causing immediate ovulation or miscarriage upon ingesting its resin. We know it worked because its value during the Roman Republic and Empire exceeded that of gold, the freedoms it gave

Is it me or has Jezebel been deliberately avoiding all discussion on the Ukraine War? Literally nothing about the industrial scale of massacres, rapes and abuses being committed by Russian troops and their proxies on Ukrainian civilians, especially women in occupied territories.

Complaining about Zelensky’s presence at the Grammys while ignoring the industrial scale rape and violence against Ukrainian women by Russian troops is peak 2020s Jezebel.

Meanwhile Putin is using troops from ethnic and religious minorities as cannon fodder in Ukraine. Its reckoned as much as 30-50% of the 15,000 Russian fatalities so far are from minority backgrounds despite them making up less than 20% of the population.

Its pretty obvious from the interview they were never ‘off’ to begin with, just that neither will compromise their massively different independent careers and would have to spend time away from each other.

This 2 day old comment aged faster than milk.

Thats because Sorokin is a Russian fucking up a German accent.

To be completely frank it wouldnt really be the Star Wars we know and love if they prioritised having a serious story instead of being a glorified tech demo. I think this is one of the reasons why the Sequel trilogy was so divisive, Star Wars has always been ground breaking visuals stitched together with cringe

Never understood the resistance to the trans subtext in the Matrix films even from a revisionist perspective, anyone whos spent five minutes playing an MMORPG will know that 90% of the people playing female characters are actually men.

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Pretty sure this is what will happen if only China and Russia had autonomous weapons.

Nu Gawker explains the situation quite well.

Pretty sure the writing was on the wall for her the moment less than a dozen Netflix employees out of 12,100 actually bothered to walk out.

So what do you think we should be doing about these people then because they obviously do exist whether you think they should or not. Shoot them?

The whole reason why there were calls for an independent space force in the first place was that the Air Force had an annoying habit of raiding the space budget every time one of their flagship non-space money pits like the F-35 dried up. All while China and Russia were catching up by leaps and bounds.

Because unlike fellow Varsity Blues parents like Felicity Huffman who immediately fessed up to the obvious and pleaded guilty in exchange for two weeks prison time, Lori and her husband instead fought tooth and nail for months against the charges and ended up racking up even more prison time because they were too

At this rate Giz will eventually do a hit piece on someone rich, famous and vengeful enough to fund numerous frivolous lawsuits that will eventually bankrupt the entire network...

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That only works on the assumption that Zuckerberg has real human emotions, which he clearly doesnt.