
Honestly, the Japanese largely don’t give a shit about “appropriation”. As a culture, Japan feels inherently superior to everyone, and can be unapologetically racist and xenophobic. Of COURSE stupid Americans are imitating them. They seriously don’t need a bunch of bloggers trying to rescue them from cultural

Jeff, you have nothing to show for all your hoopla and hype. You’re a decade behind SpaceX in reaching orbit. Your moon lander is expensive, under performing, complicated, and already outdated. What in Buddha’s name makes you think you deserve squat? Hell, your BE-4 engines haven’t even flown yet. Not even a test

what happened: an asian couple was out walking their 2 cats, a dog, and a parrot, and a kid approached them and murdered ponzu. the kid ran back to his family who was having a family gathering and told his mom the asian woman was berating him which lead to a verbal argument and then the family jumped the couple

Did you really fabricate this entire story? Because actual Texas CIG employees seem to strongly disagree and are very upset by this article.

good luck to whichever publication breaks the story because there are a lot of victims and megatons of sadistic shit to go through.

You missed an opportunity to have the list go directly from #4 to #2. It is the Half-Life universe, after all, where no number exists between those two.

There’s a story in Bond lore that Tanya Roberts brought her mom to the set of A View to a Kill to meet Roger Moore.

Not gonna lie, I want one of those CueCat things. Maybe I'll start a collection of extremely disastrous shitty tech products. 

Win95? American rubbish. Britain is going back to the ZX Spectrum, mate. Made in Britain! ENGERLUND ENGERLUND ENGERLUUUUND!!

Now that is a sucker punch...

I fully approve of this Cruise rant—he’s not just talking about MI movies, he’s talking about this film setting an example that movies can be made in the time of COVID without being superspreaders IF AND ONLY IF the crew follows the safety protocols in place. It matters, he’s right to lose his shit.

Tom Cruise sucks but also I appreciate that he’s taking this seriously.

Obama “put his foot in his mouth again”? Oh you mean the first black President, and the best President of my lifetime, offered a reasonable and well thought out opinion about an issue of national public concern? How dare he! Doesn’t he know that only YOU get to offer opinions? And if he does get to offer an opinion,

Kids have been doing that since there’s been toy lightsabers”


As someone who is mixed, and is as Black as they are white, this phenomena has always perplexed me. In undergrad at Xavier, a certain Black republican student was always after me, which was baffling, because we are both gay. Imagine me, 18 years old, in New Orleans with a gay Black republican out to jump my bones.

What is it with you Americans? Get an induction cooker and never look back! :D

Thanks for the defensive comment that (unlike Juniper’s) recognizes that actions have consequences. The consequences of Gizmodo publishing a story accusing Facebook of “routinely suppressing conservative news” included ... that conservative politicians didn’t like that they thought that Facebook was routinely

Damn us Americans are really brainwashed.

This was a disproportionately large amount of effort to go to in order to tell people you don’t care about dicks.