

Losing a cruise missile or two is still better than intentionally attacking a hospital though, right?

Why do you keep calling them “Anti-Assad forces?” Call them ISIS. Call them Al-Nusra. Call them deranged jihadists.

Dont cha hate when another country intervenes in another war it shouldn’t? Oh wait, the US does that all the time.

Now playing

There’s quite a few, but they’re generally written decades later and/or released under a pseudonym.

Asians utterly loath it because they are seriously negatively affected by affirmative action when getting university places. An Asian applicant needs an average of 140 more SAT points than a White kid to get a place at a private university whilst a Black kid needs 310 less. They even have a term for it as the Bamboo

...except agriculture yields a commodity, a product... that provides a purpose, meets a need.... how dumb are people to continually compare this to using water for green lawns and infinity pools?

I fell in love once...

If I remember Confuscious correctly, an abusive parent such as you describe has failed in their duty to their children and then has no right to expect the children to fulfill their duty to the parent. Each tier of Confuscious heirarchy is a tw0-way street where one expects fielty for having given it.

Replace your use of ‘Chinese’ with ‘United States’ and how exactly does your statement differ? Obviously their own self interests are at their best interest...

I never thought I would say this tbh, but that is a major disservice to Justin Bieber. I mean, I am as grossed out by Justin Bieber’s existence as the next person, but at least he isn’t, you know, fucking evil.

That’s not how it works. For each genocide stopped in Kosovo how many went by unstopped or even encouraged elsewhere?(Central American civil wars, for one).

I find to funny that whenever there is a Russian military exercise, there are so many comments about Russia not being able to afford it or that they are wearing out all their equipment or it being a provocation. But if America does a similar drill, the same people are in full support, even if it throwing airframe

Just remember that you, yes you the young person who only votes in national elections are to blame for this.

The path forward is clear.

If you need a trigger warning, then you’re not ready for college.

So basically Obama just came out against trigger warnings.

Fuck these religious assholes who think they’re entitled to a job, fuck them. Go find “work” in your religious institutions, not in jobs serving the public.

Especially because if a Muslim ever tried to deny anyone the right to marry for not obeying Muslim doctrine, these same people would scream bloody murder for YEARS.

She told him he didn’t have to respond when she clearly wanted him to.