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She could work with a partner as a team. You wanna see how this works?

Except when they are. Who funded the America’s Army franchise, again?

By watching these skits, I change them.

it’s natural to want to defend your country but publicly sanctioned punishment rapes might not be the best hill to die on...

Maybe not dead wrong. For thousands of people not directly in New Orleans, his forecast was unfortunately accurate. There was no power for weeks, buildings were destroyed, services were slow to come back -water, sewer electricity. Hurricane Katrina was BIG, and did not move quickly, so the winds banged things until

If someone gunning down 20 little kids didn’t change the gun laws nothing will. Sad but true.

Assuming they only picked the best 7 for the job and if the best 7 were in fact caucasian, I don’t see any issue. You want to make it an issue? That’s racism. This isn’t a Hollywood movie, they don’t have to pick someone just because of their race.

Like the water sprinkler system that detect fire and dispense water I suggest a gun dispenser system that drop guns from the ceiling if it detect a mass shooting happening. Law abiding citizens can then take the dropped guns and shoot the bad guy.


The kind of informed military discussion that keeps me coming back to Foxtrot Alpha.

.....those smiling women on the porch clearly need someone from Jezebel to lecture them about the right way to have fun, the things they’re allowed to find amusing, and give a warning that they’re going to be raped by every resident of that house.

Jeez, this poor poor hipster doofus got run through the ringer just for seeing a movie? You can bet your bottom dollar he’ll be muuuuuuuch sneakier about his Me Time in the future.

When he called to ask if seeing a movie was cool with his wife she should have said no it's not that cool buddy. Why can't people use their goddamn words and be honest? What the fuck is wrong with humans?

From a certain point of view, they’re both one war. The belligerents just took a 20 year break to grow more soldiers.

We start with data from floating, scientific buoys that NOAA has been distributing in the oceans for the last 35-year represented here as white dots. Let’s speed up time to see where the buoys go...

Where is the bail/eject in this GIF, exactly?

Ok Gawker, time to step up to the plate: host the data yourselves and beat back the bogus DMCA notice..

Exactly! If you’re going to do something wrong, at least do it right!

The way you say that makes it even grosser.

Every Compelling Character In The Entire Trilogy Is Male”