
If you pick a girl up from a playground, you should probably check for I.D

By this logic, only Native Americans should be allowed to become Miss America.

No problem with the rape content, but "gay stuff?! Ew!"

To be honest with you, I don't have a problem with this. While it isn't my kind of thing, a lot of research has shown that both men and women have these kind of 'rape fantasies', and this porn is obviously causing no one harm to produce.

I have seriously NEVER considered the age, sex or race of the author before reading a book. Most of the time, I do not even know it, and quite frankly, I don't care.

It is a good message, but I hope she said it directly to the kid first, otherwise it is just passive aggressive bullshit.

Oh God I just realized all those FTXs I've done over the years were just really big LARP sessions.

Don't you mean #FISTworldproblems? I'll see myself out (slams door).

Lewinsky's bio bills her as an activist who "advocates for a safer and more compassionate social media environment, drawing from her unique experiences at the epicenter of a media maelstrom in 1998."

I never had a cancer, but I'm pretty sure it sucks.

We already have them. They're called "coffins."

Basically what it looked like in my child-like brain when I watched it live. Now what I see on TV..well.

And that "new" picture of Shanghai is old already.

If someone wants to reject the facts, that's their business, in a free country.

Any man who calls himself a feminist immediately sets off my creep alarms. I have never met a male "feminist" who wasn't a manipulative tool.

None of this has anything to do with Islam.

Those are asses so it's safe to say you don't have a fucking clue what to do when it comes to the ladies.

Who cares? If you don't like the magazine then don't read it.

In her case, it was definitely not humane, it took multiple blows to behead her and was purposefully done without painkillers. I would agree that there isn't a way to kill anything in an entirely humane way, though.

Unfortunately in Saudi Arabia there is a total lack of transparency regarding criminal proceedings, so

It took them three hits with the sword, and she was given nothing to dull the pain, such as painkillers. But that sounds really humane! Fuck western racism!!!