
Then why did you click the link? Just to bitch?

No It's Becky

Next week on Jezebel: Female productivity in the work place sky rockets in Washington DC.

I don't know if this counts, but as an Asian man, I was taught by my mother that every man, woman, child, animal, and other are out to either a) kill you b) hurt you c) and steal your money. As a result, I'm a neutrotic mess while walking around - hyper aware that the next woman in a fur coat with her chihuahua is

After our first child my wife had massive post-partum hemorrhaging that required emergency surgery, resulting in a horribly infected episiotomy. It took months to heal, but with massive scarring and nerve damage. Bottom line, we've had sex three times in four years, counting the two children conceived.

According to Wikipedia 27,000 people were murdered in 2011 in Mexico. If we subtract 4,000 women from that then it would seem that something like 23,000 men were murdered. I don't deny that 4,000 murdered women is horrible but why does this article and this site completely ignore the much larger number of men

I think the root of the problem lies with men wanting to get laid.

Sounds like a waste of cannonballs.

Ok, so this video by YouTuber Frank Zappa racing through De Pleur's fortress in Far Cry 4 and stealth-killing baddies like a boss was obviously rehearsed. But man, those long-distance knife throws! It's also fun to imagine that it's actually Frank Zappa ninja-running Far Cry rather than Ajay Ghale.

In the last few years he had to put boots on the ground though......

She was also doing quite a lot of cocaine around this time...so there's that.

He's famous because he entertains millions of people.


"By most accounts." Yeah, okay, you mean yours? I've got nearly 700 hours logged on this game and I've enjoyed every bit of it thank you very much.

I hope Rolling Stone doesn't apologize to any fraternity including the one mentioned in the original article. Fuck them.

Medical examiner said cause of death was the throat being crushed.

why is the violence towards women more important than the violence towards the men in this game. Feminists seriously suck, they unfairly chastize men and looove the attention of being a victim without having anything bad actually happen to them IE a fucking fictional video game with no real victims

I wonder if all the dudebros enraged at how mean feminists are for mildly criticizing Matt Taylor's sexist shirt will be coming around here to defend Khan's right to dress however she wants without being assaulted by a misogynist douchebag.

Rewarding the best players in the game really shouldn't piss anyone off at all.