
This is absolutely amazing news for the Ferguson, MO. police force given how large, aggressive and threatening the local teens have become.

Personally, I'd much rather have rich Chinese kids doing this than rich Arab kids. Arabs are fucking assholes and you can't trust one farther than you can throw him. And even that may be too much trust. I speak from personal experience with both subcultures.

Sympathy is hard coming for those that treat their firearms like a fucking toy. There are no winners in this scenario.

this would be a better visual for prospective players:

Woman meets other woman: "Am I hotter than this betch?"

"This is Mike Scott, male chauvinist, TV 9, Eyewitness News."

Talking doesn't work with some kids.

It's her fault: she was dressed like a hydralisk.

The biggest screw up ever? Not investing enough to go.

You must be fun at parties.

Eh, he's expressed some odd political beliefs before. I think the whole drug addiction/prison sentence situation led him to adopt some very severe attitudes about personal responsibility. He's said before that he supports sending drug addicts to jail because for him, it was the only thing that really forced him to

Maybe try not to be so hurt by the words of comedians...

Because this website likes to demonize white people for shit they aren't doing.

The space ship blew up sounds way cooler than the dog ate my homework.

Russian Admirals HATE him!

Of course multiple partners for men lowers prostate cancer while for women it increases cervical cancer. FUCK YOU BIOLOGY/DIVINE BEINGS or whoever the hell is responsible for this fuckery!

Not enough dinosaurs. They should have eaten all the mopey teens.

Threats against peoples lives should never be taken lightly, it only takes one lunatic. Also with how bitterly toxic and unhinged people related to games have been this year, I really wouldn't take that as an empty threat.