
Nice article ... Grayson ...

Quadcopters have a battery life of approx 10 minutes, 20 at most. These "swarm" boats can stay out there for a day, and are also big enough to physically block a vessel from entering into close proximity of the friendly ship. Plus, they can carry 50 caliber machine guns and other heavy weaponry, enough to put a


She delegates. A perk of being royal.

Plus at this point, if a man is unattached after age 30 it's usually because he doesn't want to commit.

I have a few problems with alternative medicine:

Jezebel was one of the first sites on the internet to provide links to the picture, and now Jezebel's stance is that anyone viewing the pictures are perverts that deserve a malware attack?

No comment on how Deadspin published the Kate Upton photos and got 658,000 page views? No moral outrage over your own employer Gawker Media profiting from this sex crime? No comment on how you couldn't find basically any other reputable site to actually publish the leaked photos except Gawker Media? No comment on

I would posit that "beefing up" is even harder than slimming down. Anyone can just eat less and excercise a little (but mostly eat less), but gaining muscle mass means you need to EAT, sometimes a lot, while not eating TOO much. It means balancing the perfect ratio of carbs/fat/protein. Gaining muscle without fat is a

Womp womp

"Who the fuck are you.... Trying to pay girls to send you pictures and videos?"

That is disgusting but hilarious.

They were a little busy writing an entire article about Idris Elba's bulge because double standards.


Her observations seem pretty reasonable. She's not saying that it is right for it to be that way; she's just describing the way it is. The juries are doing as they're instructed - only convicting if guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. And when the only witness and accuser is not reliable, because they were

Why IS she getting that guy drunk?

Funny, that's how mine usually end.

How can buying something as family friendly as school uniforms lead to soft porn in the mailbox? I'm thankful my son did not bring in the mail.

I feel like she's missing the words "COME PLAY, MY LORD" hovering in front of her.