
maybe next time you'll think twice before spending money on an unfinished game?

There is only one release.


Many years ago on Halo 2 my buddies and I were wiped clean by a team of STDs. Pretty funny being killed by Chlamydia, splattered by herpes, and assassinated by gonorrhea.

Just equip 1 out of every 1000 planes with an AGM-88 and let the operators of SAM systems decide if they really want to point their radar at a plane and roll the dice.

Speaking of facts:

This is why going cave exploring in Minecraft always freaked me out more than it should have. Since all the enemies and spaces were basically generated at random, you knew in the back of your mind you could easily find yourself in an unwinnable situation. The game didn't really "protect" the player.


Feminists won't be satisfied until college students routinely exchange waivers before making out.

Because Third Wave Feminism has completely destroyed the definition of rape. Had sex that you regret? Thats Rape. Had sex but afraid someone would judge you for it? Rape. Don't like someone and want to destroy their life? Rape. Look at a woman wrong? Rape. Exist as a male? Rape.

This also makes it a thousand times

This is complete bullshit. If he didn't rape someone, he should absolutely defend himself. People are raped and it's horrible, but people are also falsely accused and that's also an injustice. These things come down to pure "he said, she said" and that's what makes them so difficult, but an innocent person

Weird, Israel is actively trying to kill everyone in the Gaza strip using modern military technology? Talk about inefficient!

I don't know? We've never asked the Canadian filmmakers who made it.

Yeah so...there's a reason that MSM's are prohibited from donating, and it's because HIV is 7000 times more likely in that population. You can contest those numbers if you want, many just dismiss them as biased research. That might be true, but it's what's currently out there, and asking for a change in practices

I think some women will be fully capable and some wont be. Just like the men, some can and some can't. The standards should not be lowered for anyone.

Why does Jezebel hate Millennials so much? It's ridiculous.

Come on, really? On the 4th of July you call people marching for freedom *zombies?* Real classy.

You mean no one donates sperm anonymously to have some kid show up at their door 18 years later? Imagine that.

Good looking guys who murder and rob: the systems fault, lets make sweet love to him.