
Yo dawg, American Psycho is my Bible. You should read it; it changed my life.

Same. I am the person who tries to flirt and inadvertently brings up cannibalism. Or any number of other, unpleasant things

I'm great at flirting/recognizing flirting with people I have absolutely no interest in but when it comes to people I actually like I am sort of hopeless on both fronts. So yes I concur with this whole thing.

To be honest, yeah, I would love to be able to afford to care about this. But I'm a 23 year old unemployed Communications degree holder. Being picky isn't in my mind set. So I will buy clothes I know are made by 8 year olds.

By this logic, no posthumous medals should be awarded, period. Because grieving friends and family didn't earn that reward, and thus don't deserve it.

"I stumbled upon an alien nest—filled with bug-like creatures"


Purple is a natural occurring color on planet Pimp.

Hey, America's Funniest Home Videos with host Danny Tanner is a goddamned national treasure. You shut your whore mouth. I got nothing to say about the current host.

But the objectification of men is a false equivalency to the objectification of women, because what's being fetishized is strength. Virility, capability, vigor, fortitude. Power.

Attention: women. The world doesn't owe you shit.

Killing a child and strangling a cousin and fucking your sister is one thing, easily excusable. But rape? It's like they're portraying Jaime as a bad guy or something.


Personally, I think the ideal female body is Christina Hendricks, not some anorexic runway model.

just me or did that look terrible?

I bet you're upset that Pluto isn't a planet, too.

I'm sorry, but that girl deserves to be charged. When your dad is confronting your boyfriend in your room with a gun, that's not the time to save your own ass.

Haha sure, but I'd rather Facebook get 'em than Google probably? Or Apple? Or... anyone else? Maybe Microsoft would have been better but I don't even know about that.

I am probably in the minority here, but I greatly enjoyed playing as the Arbiter.