
Who has possibly already beaten this game? It hasn’t even been out for 48 hours. 

It’s shockingly pleasant right now, despite the news being so horrifying. I’m just enjoying it while it lasts -- at some point the trolls and ghouls on Twitter will run out of people to harass and make their way over to Threads. 

To each their own, but that hasn’t been my algorithmic experience on Threads this week. Maybe it’ll go back to that soon, but at least this week it’s very much resembled pre-Musk Twitter.

It has 130 million users three months since launch. It’s doing pretty damn well by virtually any metric. 

Until Threads is more than just a phone app, it’s not going to compete with Twitter. I’m probably an outlier, but until I can access Threads in my laptop browser (or iPad, via either browser or app), I’m not going to spend much time with it.

I think the chaos is largely the point. I don’t think most people enter the four-player modes looking for a super-tight performance.

It’s thinly veiled code for “everybody is white, Christian and conservative, just like me.”

Fans are frustrated with the way Yona’s appearance works to reinforce heteronormativity in Hyrule

If there’s salt spray on the inside of a submarine, you have much bigger problems than the controller potentially crapping out. 

I’m the same way, but apparently the youths love just sitting and watching a stranger play video games and reacting to other stranger’s reactions. I don’t get it but I’ve accepted than I’m now an old and am no longer with it.

Right, but my point is that in that passage there are a ton of weapon drops and stones everywhere. It’s easy to just make another rock breaker when one breaks.

There are constant weapon drops, rocks and bomb flowers throughout the passage. If you ran out of rock breakers in there, I’m not sure what you were doing.

We could say it’s your fault because it is. Do you want infinite hearts as well?

It’s a video game 

Great comment, thanks for contributing. 

Very well said and I completely agree. I had a similar revelation as the writer of the article had with Civ VI -- it ended up feeling way more like a math problem than a history simulator, despite all the pretty graphics. 

The rubber-banding was part of the fun. But for those that hated it, the TE edition back in the day had an option to turn it off.

It would be the easiest money in the world. Just give it the simply play like the original TE edition, update the graphics and rosters (like this mod), give it good online and coop multiplayer, and then provide DLC for eternity. 

Presumably Apple’s research shows there’s enough separation between people that use Apple Music and those that want to listen to classical music to justify separate apps.

I’m old enough to have played the original Metroid. I’d personally say start with Super Metroid, which has aged wonderfully and is the template for everything that came after. (It also only takes 10 hours or so to beat — felt like an eternity back in the day.)