
What I remember about the Google Glass thing was that the early adopters were some of the most annoying bros in the world and it turned people off from the whole concept.

Jake Paul is a clown, but I’ve read that he’s actually a halfway decent fighter. And Mike Tyson is nearing 60 years old — there’s a reason you don’t see athletes that old competing in anything except golf. And boxing is a particularly intensive sport that is very unkind to the aging.

This is the way. An Octopath makeover (and perhaps a few QOL tweaks) are all these old classics need. 

Over the next few decades, there were only a few new Punch-Out titles. 1998 had Super Punch-Out!! for the Super Nintendo and 2009 had the confusingly titled Punch-Out!! for the Wii.

The Bugs are an all-consuming horde that want to overrun the galaxy will suck your brains out through your skull

Absolutely not, he intended it to be, as you said, a straight up action movie using the novel as a very rough base.

Pretty sure that person is being sarcastic 

If I’m reading a review about Helldivers II, I don’t want to read about the technical problems of Kotaku’s website. 


That’s how I read it. 

When Aleksandr Zhadan got out of his last relationship in 2021, he started looking for a girlfriend in Moscow the old-fashioned way

It never tells us when this all took place, either. Just “one day” it happened. 

To use some of that generational slang: it’s very cringe.

Killing Inbox was my last straw. I was a Google/Android loyalist for years, but it felt like they kept scaling back or killing all the services I enjoyed while Apple continued to add many of the features I liked about Google/Android.

Pretty sure they understand that just fine, and that “eventually” is very different from “next quarter,” which is all the MBA class generally worries about. 

I probably won’t use this thing until there’s an iPad version. Long-ish form writing on a phone is for the birds. 

To give you as simple an answer as possible, yes. The PS exclusives are mostly excellent games that are well worth playing and then playing again. And the PS5 is a fantastic machine, as are its controllers (despite their less-than-stellar battery life).

My only conclusion to all this is that Kojima has somehow brainwashed people into believing he’s some brilliant auteur when really he’s a very mediocre man with extremely mediocre ideas trying his damndest to make movies and being forced to make video games instead.

My only complaint is that I wish there was more of it. It’s not too short by any means, I just really enjoyed the whole thing and wish it was bigger.

Some games have quite neutral delivery (e.g. the Mass Effect series). Some act like they’re a Saturday Morning Cartoon. I’ve never liked cartoons because of the unnatural voice acting, so I’d rather not have that in my games either.