
That’s how I heard it. It seemed to be pretty overtly mocking the idea of making transphobic humor.

Isn’t that what’s supposed to entice people to subscribe? To see how that arc ends? 

I wish somebody would make a simpler, more “arcade-y” football game along the lines of Tecmo Super Bowl or some of the earliest Madden games. The realistic simulation is great for those that want that, but I gotta think there’s a lotta people like me that have neither the time nor the will to learn all the intricate

I don’t think it’s too much, it’s simply going to the way of the comic books in that there are too many to keep up with so I just watch the ones I’m most interested in. And it’s ok if the shows I’m most interested in differ from other people. I’m glad those shows I don’t watch exist for them. 

(Let’s not forget when MrBeast, the YouTuber, did the same thing a few years ago, and also missed the point.)

The people that remember the show from their childhoods now have kids. Pretty good formula for success. 

It’s a children’s movie. 

Lol at “he didn’t know who they were!” It’s just plausible deniability all the way down for poor Killer Kyle, isn’t it?

The thing about rifles is that you don’t have to chase someone to kill them. And why does Rosenbaum’s past matter but Kyle’s recent history of openly admitting he wanted to kill protesters and palling around with MAGA brownshirts does not?

And why did Rosenbaum chase him? Who was in (accurately) in fear for their lives first? Why wasn’t Rosenbaum allowed to defend himself from the armed boy that he very accurately saw as an imminent and deadly threat?

Bring back Inbox, cowards! 

I gotta think this is some kind of money-laundering scheme. I refuse to believe there was $50,000/week worth of fetishists buying this one woman’s farts.

“... a little larger than the size of your average basketball course.”

US oil consumption is close to 21 million barrels per DAY. I don’t know where you’re getting your data or if you just accidentally lopped off a few zeros. 

Hello, pedant editor here. In this line, it should be a 7 percentage point decline, not a 7% decline. A movement from 24% to 17% is a 29% decline.

Do people actually play the games on these? I definitely get their appeal as a kitsch collectible, but it’s really easy now to play those other Zelda games on consoles that anybody buying this would presumably already own. My hands hurt just looking at that thing. 

There are literally “cut off amounts” in every single tax law.

What an absolutely insane take. 

First time I met the final boss I died very quickly and thought there was no way I would ever be able to beat him. But once I figured out his patterns, even my old ass was able put him away.

I see you’re also a fan of jokes.