I have an anecdote too. Over Christmas I was visiting an old friend back home in the Midwest. I was talking to his parents, who are very kind people but also conservative Catholics. As far as I can tell, they’ve been Republicans their whole lives.
I have an anecdote too. Over Christmas I was visiting an old friend back home in the Midwest. I was talking to his parents, who are very kind people but also conservative Catholics. As far as I can tell, they’ve been Republicans their whole lives.
100% agreed. The only thing preventing me from playing Arenas is the lack of an iPad app. I played all the earlier versions of MTG on my iPad but once they discontinued it I moved on to Eternal, which scratches the itch and then some but still isn’t as good as the real thing.
Worth noting, once again, that Hillary supporters refused to support Obama after the primary in 2008 in larger numbers than Bernie supporters refused to support Hillary.
There’s still plenty of time for Trump and Co. to start a war with Iran. Pompeo and the other warmongers aren’t going away.
“he sounds like that guy you always find in college parties who sings the Wonder-wall”
That’s definitely part of it, but I don’t give them that much of an excuse. I think they’re usually just shameless liars that project their darkest desires onto others. They want to oppress others, so they adopt the role of the oppressed to justify it and to dehumanize their enemies.
It’s a pretty big subset.
It really is something how they can never resist predicting or whining about their own oppression in these rants. I often think that the bulk of the allure of adopting right-wing ideology is to get off on playing the victim (while accusing everybody that disagrees with you of doing the same).
So Fortnight has basically become Second Life for teenagers at this point?
Give Eternal a try. It scratches my Magic itch and is available on mobile platforms.
Eternal still has a fervent if rather small fanbase and very strong support from its developer. Hard to say how much longer that will last, though.
39 here. I literally don’t understand what the article is describing.
“I want to move on with my life,” she concludes. “And I’m not trying to be in a selfish way. I’m not trying to make this about me. That’s not the point of this.”
It’s God of War in a Star Wars skin, and I’m fine with that. The lightsaber combat is fun and the exploration is mostly fun, too.
I would have been way cooler if the different poncho/outfit and lightsaber pieces added small buffs or bonuses or something to make them more worthwhile.
Not only is it baffling how somebody could go up that many levels of mayhem, but then to actually complain about the grind of doing so, as if it’s some kind of obligation, is short-circuiting my brain.
However, the end game comes along and you figure out or read about a build that breaks the game, and it’s no longer that. You’re now aware of the “proper” way to play the game and it ruins any sense of risk vs reward, and that’s when you end up farming a boss 20 times in an hour trying to get the next most sparkliest…
Most self-described “independents” are conservatives that get off on not associating with Republicans because they think it makes them smarter than everybody else.
I already made the switch. I’d been on Google Music for years and mostly loved it, but forcing that migration (and the killing of Inbox) was my last straw. I decided to stop delaying the inevitable and switched over to Spotify and the only thing I really miss is the ad-free Youtube.