
If something isn’t the absolute best so we can love it with all our hearts, it’s the absolute worst and we should fight it to our dying breath.

You know what would stop rampant transfers from happening? Contracts. Like every other professional.

In fairness, yes I do because I’ve posted with these people for years and seen too many of their shitty political opinions. So in fairness, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

I have seen hardcore Capitalism Rulez! conservatives in recent days freaking out over how college athletes couldn’t handle one of their teammates making more than them, and therefore the most they could support would be a small universal increase in their stipend.

But if they are really worried about recruits being paid to choose a particular school, why not just put a rule in place that prevents endorsements by people that have donated to the school the recruit chooses within the last 5-10 years?

Have you tried lying more? That seems to help. Also, abandoning all shame and self-awareness and being willing to say whatever is needed at any time, no matter how heinous or stupid, seems to pay well. 

I refuse to read that chain and I don’t post on Twitter, but has anybody pointed out that similar to his examples, whatever he’s paid by ESPN is definitely many times too much?

What strikes me is how many of the same people that regularly decry the dangers and evils of SOCIALISM — which they usually conflate with COMMUNISM in that they think everybody will get the same paycheck — and then without batting an eye will whine about how paying college athletes will ruin everything and would be a

“Our leaders aren’t doing exactly what I want, right now, so I’m leaving!”

God, that’s hardly parody now. I just rewatched the whole clip — at the end, to distract from question about the war, he starts talking about creating the goddam Space Force and going to Mars.

Honestly, I think most football fans don’t want an answer like Watson’s. They either want performative emotion — “I doesn’t what coverage they’re in, we gotta goddam play better!” — and/or some boring sound-bite sports cliche that they can nod their head to.

I always knew my stepfather had another family. 

One of my least favorite parts of visiting family in the Midwest is being forced to suffer through the telling of these uber-cliched jokes whenever a situation arises in which they’re remotely applicable.

You’re not missing much.

Do you guys think Travis knows those aren’t his sons?

Granted, that is clearly not a problem with a team like the Red Sox (who have a $300 million dollar surplus between team payroll and revenue),

The billionaire owners of a monopolized business that generates many tens of millions in profit annually (if not more) is considering selling one of their best assets to save a few million dollars on a luxury tax. Tell us again how ethics doesn’t come into play?

Nixon still enjoyed majority support from Republican voters on the day he resigned. Many if not most Republican voters want a Republican dictator that is fully above the law.

In the Civil War, soldiers would also stand in a line and shoot at each other without cover, then run at each other with bayonets.

Maximizing short-term profits is often not the same thing as making the best business and/or ethical decision.