
Rest assured, I and many others would gladly film Milo attempting to do actual manual labor and getting covered in human shit. One could probably even start a successful GoFundMe to sponsor such an event. 

So what are the odds that this is fake? 60%? 70%?

Great point, Tomato! Because the labels that “we liberals” have applied to Trump have made such a difference so far. 

I think he might go back to Flynn. 

“There’s also the double standard which is what Ingram is mainly trying to attack: ...”

Ivies are some of the only universities in the country that can credibly claim that their athletics programs are financially irrelevant. 

Because it’s about black people suggesting things that could affect white people a little bit, so she feels compelled to virtue signal to her white supremacist fanbase. Also, I believe a lot of redhats are still triggered by the mere mention of Jemele Hill after the last time she tried to ruin their SPORTZ! with (the

I don’t get your point. Because much/most of the revenue generated by big-time athletic programs is plowed back into athletics, it somehow wouldn’t be worth it for HBCUs to get that money?

“That’s resegregating the country! Why do we want that?” Laura asked, unable to fully suppress a hint of hopeful inflection or her sarcastic side-eye.

Why would you respect somebody for clinging to stupid beliefs? That’s not being “rebellious,” that’s being stubborn (at best).

I didn’t personally appreciate the light touch it took regarding Falwell Sr. either, but it’s important to note that the reporter is a Liberty grad who presumably still shares at least some of the alleged values that Liberty espouses, and this is what granted him access to people he openly admits are still very

I think that’s kind of how it’s always been.

Give the overcompensated Mr. Brooks a break. When you’re writing the same banal “both sides” column for the 2,000th time, you gotta get a little creative. 

Eric very like knows he’s full of shit on this. (But maybe not?)

Yeah, it’d be nice if we could somehow force Eric and the redhats to explain what exactly is wrong with those “tactics” instead of just doing the sarcastic insinuation they’re all so fucking fond of.

The average redhat will see these “tactics” and consider it yet more evidence of a corrupt lamestream media out to get Daddy Trump and his fellow conservative cult members.

I look forward to the inevitable story in three years when this woman is complaining about going bankrupt from her medical expenses ... and how it’s the Democrats’ fault. 

I got the same vibe. All the “some very negative headlines about me” sets off the bullshit detectors. 

“Love your neighbor as you love yourself” is how a narcissist frames morality and empathy. I’ve always had a problem with the Golden Rule for that reason -- if the only reason you’re treating other people with respect is so they’ll do the same to you, you’re doing it for the wrong reason. It’s in line with not

Pam went to Pratt art school. Highly unlikely that she’d be a conservative.