At least in Hunt for Red October, Ryan was portrayed as not all that good at the violence stuff. It was still thinly veiled American anti-communist propaganda, but Ryan wasn’t quite the superhero they’ve apparently made him in this show.
At least in Hunt for Red October, Ryan was portrayed as not all that good at the violence stuff. It was still thinly veiled American anti-communist propaganda, but Ryan wasn’t quite the superhero they’ve apparently made him in this show.
I’ve always thought of her as “dead-eyed Julia Roberts.” Her singing often reinforces that image.
I have never seen a single person say anything close to “straws lightbulbs are the most important things, worry about giant corporations later.” But as 55 Days says, if someone is saying that, they’re wrong and should be told so.
Super Mario 3D World is what we need. I wonder if the hold-up is over those stages where you had to blow on the controller to make the platforms rise?
Also, what the hell are his friends doing if they regularly need to borrow a gun for protection?
We need to get these kinds of deranged, predatory criminals off the streets before they hurt more people.
As someone that works in journalism (and still has a halfway decent job that I’m hanging onto for dear life), this is just depressing as hell:
Inconvenient in the view of someone who presumably has to work for a living. To grifters like Pence, there is no such time as wasting time or inconvenience. The man is on vacation on the taxpayers’ dime, and all he has to do for it is visit Dublin and attend a photo op.
I’m not sure they’re capable of being fully honest about anything. Creating and hiding behind plausible deniability is built into their very being at this point. They’ve lived for so long walking that line that they no longer know how to do otherwise.
In many cases, no, I believe they truly don’t understand that. And again in many cases, I believe they don’t care to understand — religion to them is the willful abandonment of critical thinking. Instead of facing tough questions about life and existence head-on, they can just sidestep it completely by attributing it…
There’s a guy on another board I used to frequent that would actually record Fox Business programs to watch later. He fits what I suspect is the profile for most of that channel’s audience.
I work in business journalism covering the energy industry, and Chomsky is exactly right.
We’re still 14 months from the election, too. It’s only going to get worse -- especially if it looks like Trump is going to lose.
Trump is pushing the Republican agenda more effectively than any Republican president in the modern era. Republicans don’t support free trade or cutting government spending — those have always been convenient lies they tell to drum up support among working and middle-class suckers.
Lots of Liberty grads running around in DC working for Republican lobbyists and think tanks, too.
“The doctors told me if it had been another 24 hours, that strand of bacteria could have gotten to my heart and that I would have been fighting for my life,” Freeze told ESPN. “It’s the way God works because there’s no doubt that bacteria would have killed me if President Falwell wasn’t so quick to make sure we got…
God you’re boring.
Conflating other people’s criticism as a political correct attack and attempt to silence is a politically correct (and fallacious) attack and attempt to silence.
Working for three hours, burning fuel and putting wear and tear on your vehicle for $20 ... is great?
She’s a Republican and she saw an opportunity for self-advancement. It is in their nature. It’s not like there were any deeply held principles to be violated by working for a white supremacist fascist.