
I still order it, they’ll replace the sour cream with baja sauce (which I believe is basically spicy mayo). 

Don’t call me dolly.

I don’t think most of them actually believe it. I think most use it as an excuse for their racism and to justify Republicans undermining democracy. 

LOL, the fascist troll tried to “Out of Context!” the freaking n-word. 

Perhaps more accurately, Google isn’t “them” so they are the Other, which the fascists often call “The Left.”

It is yet another form of projection. If they ran a search engine, they would associate “liberal” and “socialism” with the worst things they can imagine. So they assume that Google (which is of “The Left,” I guess?) is doing the same.

I think it’s the opposite. These are the moves of people so confident in their power and invulnerability that they believe that the normal rules of political gravity no longer apply to them. 

This move is not random at all. The upside for the fascists is A. cruelty to others and B. the spearhead of their larger effort to end birthright citizenship altogether.

I guess flag-humpers gonna hump, no matter what.

So Republicans are definitely going to do the same Memory-Holing that they did after W., in that all the things they fucked up will either be swept under the rug or blamed on Democrats.

As far as drills go it was actually pretty good. It just sucked being the ballcarrier, because more often than not you’d catch a helmet in your elbow or ribs.

I played through junior high and high school and became good enough to play a year in college before a serious shoulder injury convinced me it was time to hang it up.

We used to do a “tackling” drill where one player would act as a ballcarrier and the other play would come at them from an angle and wrap them up. It sucked so much being the ballcarrier because you weren’t allowed to juke or even really protect yourself. 

That’s the part that made me assume this was in Florida, even though I’d already read that it was in Virginia. 

this story is so goddamn lame and built ONLY for the ghetto of twitter it is astounding that this many stories were greenlights on this place

“I finally found an angle with which I turn this into a lame stretch of an attack on the left”

I am shocked that a website run by Forbes alums is becoming bloated, laggy and nearly unusable on mobile.

Considering what gutless lives we all lead and how intensely she lived, you have to admire that outlook. And sometimes the brave pay the ultimate price.

Careful, you’re about to blunder into Libertarians’ true goal (whether the middle-class water-carrying saps that claim the L label realize that or not).

“What you did is analogous to the genocidal actions of totalitarian regimes!” says the guy trying to destroy your livelihood for doing something he didn’t like.