
Haha, he’s already backtracking and throwing up more bars to clear. It is exactly like the Dave Chapelle sketch.

Worth noting that he bought and ran the Miss Teen USA pageants so he could do this. And that’s just what we know about, from his own bragging — how much would you be willing to bet that Trump didn’t coerce any of the contestants into sex (rape)?

It’s worth noting that the ranks of the Nazi Party in 1920s and 1930s Germany were also rife with grifters, greed monsters and sex criminals. Just saying.

You see how he’s already couching his statements with “... that deserve to be ruined ... and get due process.”? We’ve already learned that presidents can’t be subjected to due process, especially when their corrupt AG is protecting them. So Candy Corn is already establishing the plausible deniability he’ll hide

Everybody knows this is what he’ll do. A person that is still a Trump supporter in freaking July 2019 will ignore, explain away or openly accept the man’s absolute worst behaviors without a second thought.

Extortion is not a valid long-term business strategy. Especially when it comes to blackmailing people that can easily afford “solutions.”

On the contrary, with the past as our guide, Acosta’s resignation means the MSM will completely drop this issue and move on to the next attention grabber, allowing Acosta to ooze out of the limelight and into his next lucrative lobbying gig.

Who thinks that Toronto is a frozen tundra?

Jesus, man. That “Don’t touch Grayson!” was clearly sarcastic. 

I want to star this comment over and over. Thank you for making my Friday. 

On the contrary, I think Conan is ahead of the curve. I can’t imagine too many people under the age of 50 still watch these late-night shows live, and I believe I’ve read that viewership data shows that most people tune out after the first guest comes on or even before. So Conan downsized his show to focus on the

I’m confused as to why you’re unable to engage in good-faith discussion of anything and think nobody sees through your shitty strawmen. 

ramsey is a redhat troll. 

If there are candidates from four parties in a first-past-the-post election, each representing a group of voters with minimal ideological or policy crossover, then three out of four parties necessarily lose. The winner will also very likely represent a smaller minority of voters than the winner of a two-party election.

Same. I can’t help but remember the fun of the original Hakuna Matata, and that carried me through about half that clip before I realized I was just watching three animals walking through a jungle with bad CGI making their mouths mime the words of the song.

This would be worlds more entertaining than what we see in that Hakuna Matata clip. 

I had the exact same reaction to that scene. And that scene alone soured me on seeing this movie. Animals with no facial expressions or joy in their eyes moving along to Hakuna Matata is disturbing and depressing, not fun.

This review nails my impression after seeing a clip of Hakuna Matata. The voices sounded fine, but I quickly realized I’m watching normal animals vaguely prance while their mouths move to the words of the song. They’re not smiling, there’s no joy in their eyes. It almost completely destroyed the fun of that very fun

Read his comment history. He’s a redhat troll. 

I’m a big fan of Bernie and his politics, but other than securing his eternal re-election in a strange low-population state, how has he been successful? He has struggled to sponsor or pass any meaningful legislation, largely because as an independent he holds little actual sway in the Democratic Party.