But be careful comparing them to Nazi concentration camps. Because they’re not at all comparable. In the slightest.
But be careful comparing them to Nazi concentration camps. Because they’re not at all comparable. In the slightest.
“Several times throughout the demo, the reps from Frontier assured me that the player would never be rewarded for treating animals poorly.”
Biden still subscribes to the horribly antiquated and proven failure of a belief that Republicans will cooperate if we’re just really, really nice to them.
Also, how did the white supremacist redhat in this thread get un-grayed?
Siakam was also from Cameroon. And that whole team was based in Canada!
They’re seeking asylum, not trying to cross illegally.
Yeah, he obliviously let the mask slip there. If you’re opposed to immigrants coming to this country to work and otherwise live a normal life, then the only “rationale” left for your opposition is straight-up, unfiltered racism.
“ ... They must vote to get rid of the loopholes, and fix asylum! If so, Border Crisis will end quickly!”
Ben Shapiro: “Regardless of what you think of @KyleKashuv — and for the record, I think he, like many other Parkland survivors, has handled the public limelight with grace and strength — Harvard’s auto-da-fe sets up an insane, cruel standard no one can possibly meet.”
ESPN is just so gross and getting grosser. I understand that they’re an entertainment network far more than an organization that practices journalism, but the outright promotion of their desired narratives in the guise of honest sports commentary is an insult to their audience.
However, D’Antoni’s agent clarified that the offer was not actually for $5 million (which would be below the market rate for an established veteran coach such as D’Antoni), since it would be cut in half if D’Antoni was fired or if the Rockets failed to make the playoffs. Fertitta met with D’Antoni in West Virginia…
That was one of my favorite parts of the game. It forces you to use different weapons and strategize based on whether you’ll be able to finish a battle with your current weapon. It made the game more fun, not less.
I work for a privately owned company and my job often feels like this a lot.
Voted for Trump.
“I like women with big, giant tits and big asses!”
How is it fair that a small number of people get to inherit properties and then profit off those properties from the people that weren’t so lucky?
Some people build houses to live in.
He’s invoking the Ayn Rand school of bootlicking, in which there is a small group of supermen industrialists that bestow their gifts upon the rest of society, without which the peasantry would quickly devolve into Lord of the Flies squabbling.
Lol, no, you are not “creating housing.” That room would not otherwise sit empty were it not for your grace and merciful sacrifice of unlocking the door, providing a copy of the key to a tenant and then raking in high-margin profits on an asset that already exists.
But why does attacking Trump through his surrogates somehow do more damage than simply attacking him? (And once again, these are not mutually exclusive — we can, and should, go after both Trump and his surrogates at the same time.) This logic seems entirely made up and based entirely on contrarian “wisdoms” regarding…