
So we need to do exactly what we did in 2016 to avoid what happened in 2016? How does that work?

A Silicon Valley gossip and news site.

From Mr. Carlson’s bio:

If we can’t successfully impeach the most corrupt and clearly criminal president any of us have seen in our lifetimes (and very possibly our country’s history) because it’s a political loser, than we’ve already lost our democracy, and the sooner that’s made clear the sooner we can deal with it instead of going on

Impeaching this president is about so much more than removing him from office.

If Mueller didn’t want that exact statement from the White House — and it was an entirely predictable statement in every way, because it’s the same thing they’ve been saying since Barr’s deceitful initial rollout — then he shouldn’t have lobbed them such a fat waist-high meatball.

They’re going to raise prices to whatever the market will sustain in the US regardless of what Europe or anywhere else is doing, though. They aren’t raising US prices because Europe is collectively bargaining, and their high US prices and profits aren’t “subsidizing” those lower prices elsewhere.

“I’m fully behind something workable,” says the guy that in another post in the same thread criticizes universal healthcare for not being “perfect” while praising the current system’s high quality “if you can afford it.”

This my favorite bad-faith tactic of the right — they actively make government shitty, then they criticize government for being shitty. And then they think we don’t see right through them, like this is still the 1980s and we haven’t learned anything about their bad-faith bullshit. 

How are those highways and bridges doing again?

There are long wait times for elective surgeries in public healthcare systems. Wait times for non-elective procedures are comparable to those experienced by those in the US lucky enough to have decent health insurance.

“Because the US is subsidizing costs for the rest of the world.

But what is the point of higher quality if only a small fraction of the population can access it?

The same way we provide highways and so many other services — we generate funds with taxes, then spend those funds on healthcare.

She’s saying the opposite. That if America adopts universal healthcare, Americans will fly to Europe or elsewhere to get better healthcare than they can get at home, where they have to share it with the poors.

They would never admit this, but I believe her argument boils down to, “If I’m getting the same healthcare as the poors, what’s the point of being rich?”

I speak Stupid.

Trying to understand how a person can look at and listen to Donald Trump and come away thinking, “That man is a genius that can solve our nation’s problems” will lead you down some dark paths. 

I agree with most of your post, but “ignorant” is literally the same thing as “uneducated.” “Ignorant” is not a synonym of “stupid.”

“Btw I’m not saying right-wing politics are inherently build on fraud.”