But that’s why you cook it. To kill all those germs. Washing it is useless and only makes your sink and counter gross.
But that’s why you cook it. To kill all those germs. Washing it is useless and only makes your sink and counter gross.
Cooking meat is cleaning meat. That’s the whole point of cooking it.
Washing your chicken spreads germs the way flushing your toilet with a garden hose would spread germs. If you spray water at something covered in germs, the germs get into that water, and then wherever that water is sprayed. It’s not that complicated.
People understand that cooking chicken at a high enough temperature kills dangerous germs, right?
Presumably Baylor’s Trumpalo administration made them go.
It’s Baylor, so probably the school’s shitty administration.
The best thing about this wonderful article is how many people in the comments clearly only read the headline or the first para or two and completely missed the larger point.
No, he’s saying that last night’s episode was dumb and bad because it discarded six-plus seasons of buildup for an hour and a half of random action tropes and completely illogical and uncharacteristic decision-making to reach a nonsensical ending.
The most terrifying villains are the ones who do evil for seemingly no reason at all.
In any ways, CNN’s type of faux centrist propaganda is more harmful than Fox’s more overt efforts. It tricks otherwise well-meaning people into thinking this is what moderate, centrist, and fair coverage should look like, unlike those bloody-gummed partisans over on Fox and MSNBC (which CNN also enjoys portraying as…
Six months, huh? Well, I’m sure they’ll get right on that. And in six months, when it’s obvious they have no intention of complying with this order both because they don’t want to comply and also literally can’t due to their nonexistent record-keeping of what they see was non-humans, they’ll discover a “good cause”…
God, if only I could get paid like McCain likely does to deliver the same lazy lukewarm “both sides” takes that have polluted online forums since the 1990s.
There’s people that think it’s a fine show with some good performances, and then there’s people that are all “The Office is, like, me in a nutshell.”
If someone claims that they were inspired to vote against Sanders and Democrats because of their support for the right of felons to vote, then that person is lying because they were never, ever going to vote for Sanders or a Democrat.
You’re trying too hard.
I’ve half-jokingly said that the only way for the show to stay true to itself is if we end up with Euron on the throne. That or the Night King wins.
I think we’re gonna see zombie Ned. Not sure how that’s going to work in light of his decapitation, but we very well could find out. Rickon is likely in there too.
Why would being a badass mothafucka mean she doesn’t have a sex drive?
Running as a Democrat does not in any mean that he’s a liberal. That’s the point. He may have been an “answer” to Trump, but that doesn’t make him liberal or progressive, it just makes him a telegenic narcissistic asshole that was opposed to Trump.
Why are you using “liberal” like it’s a team name? There’s no evidence whatsoever that Avenatti is liberal or progressive or anything other than a shady lawyer.