Fuck off Tomato Troll
Fuck off Tomato Troll
But then who would Maggie get killer scoops from?
Embarrassment is one way to put it. It’ll be a different emotion once people realize that we have a malevolent president that’s now officially above the law and free to pursue his wildest autocratic impulses with the backing of a Senate majority, an increasing bulk of the judiciary, and a third of this nation’s…
I watched a Tapper panel the other day about Omar that had the same dynamic, plus a former aide for freaking Mitch McConnell doing the standard Republican concern trolling routine. The shithead was even asked if he felt Trump was “also” guilty of using 9-11 to advance a political agenda (because they all agreed that…
#Neverforget, these two fascists used to fuck:
Unfortunately, even if a Dem does manage to take back the presidency, they won’t prosecute these ghouls as a show of “unity” and out of fear of “divisiveness.”
On a related note, what’s with this seemingly new standard that a corrupt politician can simply resign and all their problems go away? It’s infuriating that blatant crooks like Zinke, Pruitt, Price, etc. can rob us blind and then retreat back to the private sector when things get too hot.
One way to read this is that converts are often nutso.
Ramesh Ponnuru, the conservative hack that authored, “The Party of Death: The Democrats, The Media, The Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life,” decided to take on Pete Buttigeig’s wild claim that Christian deity Jesus Christ didn’t want people to shit on the poor. This dumbfuckery was then published by Bloomberg,…
How can any legitimate news organization let some say something so insanely wrong.
Sony will lose far more money by driving down demand with a high price than they would make by selling their hardware at a premium. They want people logged in and buying stuff from their online store. Getting the hardware into people’s homes is more important than maxing out profits from its sale.
I think the simple weight of thousands of gallons of water hitting a weakened structure all at once at a high speed would cause more damage than the thermal dynamics.
End up? We’ve had one for over two years now.
Where is Trump getting the idea that the left want “open borders”?
An old classmate’s Trumper dad was dismissive of a column that brought up the fact that roughly a third of NYC’s population was foreign-born. When I showed him it was true, he said that was scary. He never bothered responding when I asked why it was scary.
Yes, but nobody was killed, and this was toward the beginning of Trump’s term, before Republicans realized they could break the law with near impunity. Things are different now.
Until, of course, somebody on the left finally snaps and kills a conservative, at which time we’ll be forced to institute martial law, crack down on Trump’s critics, invade Iran and cut taxes for the rich.
The question I have about the modern YouTube child stars is, are they playing a character? Or is this just them and their regular life? Are those two concepts now inextricably mixed together and indecipherable from each other?
All going to MIT means is that he was probably good at math. Being good at math doesn’t mean someone is also good at critical thinking, and it definitely doesn’t mean that they aren’t a shameless bad-faith liar, which is most likely the case with Rep. Massie here.
As a youth I could get all the way to Super Macho Man in the original NES Punch-Out without taking a single hit. I could replicate this feat in college. But I could never, ever beat Tyson. I had a few friends that could pull it off, but when it was my turn I could never survive that opening onslaught.