It’s the South. Something like 80% of white dudes in the South are nicknamed Bobo, Bubba or Cooter.
It’s the South. Something like 80% of white dudes in the South are nicknamed Bobo, Bubba or Cooter.
That costume would have worked just fine without the black makeup. Hell, it might have even worked better, as he could have claimed that going as White Kanye was some kind of social statement or something. But instead, another ignorant moron goes to the trouble of donning blackface, because otherwise people wouldn’t…
Here’s a starting point — if a certain type of gun has been used to kill three or more people in a single shooting in the last decade, it’s banned.
I’ve been saying for awhile now that Democrats and decent people in general need to push back much harder on these people’s faux Christianity. Particularly the stuff about lying being a sin.
“We saw people dressed as murderers, devils, serial killers, blood and gore of all sorts. Nobody batted an eye. But my little boy and i, dress as historical figures, and it merits people not only making snide remarks, but approaching us and threatening my little 5 year old boy.”
And was the mini-Hitler outfit also just on hand for “re-enactments?”
Haha, a last-minute decision, huh?
Demagogue can be a verb.
Good for Cenk. Simple questions like “How much do you get paid and who is paying that?” aren’t asked nearly often enough. And as we can see from Kirk’s reaction, it’s an obvious soft spot.
Right now there are still legal consequences for attempting to harm or kill the president’s enemies. But let’s be brutally honest — if Trump pardoned the MAGAbomber, would there be any real consequences for him? Obviously Democrats, most of the media and non-cultists would scream to high heaven about it, and the Jeff…
Yep. They instantly saw it as a trump card (no pun intended) for multiple similar attempts on their enemies. Anything and everything is devoid of meaning beyond its us as a means to an end, and that end is accumulating more power.
So brass tacks: The Republicans will suffer no perceivable political consequence for these assassination attempts of prominent and publicly stated enemies of our president.
But both can smirk at a camera and naturally read cue cards at the same time! That’s a talent that only ... hold on, running the numbers ... approximately 50 million Americans hold! Worth every bloody dollar.
NRATV pays ruble well, I’ve heard.
You’re a moron and you carry water for fascists. You’re endorsing far worse than letter bombs with posts like this.
I think a more fun framework for PvP that would help raise the stakes would be to implement permadeath for a character after they’ve become a murderer.
I used to believe this, but that only works if creatures like Schlapp aren’t backed by immense propaganda networks that reinforce his bullshit.
I’ve actually mulled whether we should make lying illegal. I understand the complexities of that are immense, and it would likely have all kinds of horrible consequences, but at some point we need to recognize that with the progress of mass media technology, lying and those that utilize lies hold immense power and…
They need to begin each interview by stating that they will interrupt any lies or falsehoods with corrections, with a two-strike policy after which they are ejected.