What a strange post. “I don’t know who this guy is, therefore he must be meaningless and suck.”
What a strange post. “I don’t know who this guy is, therefore he must be meaningless and suck.”
Then they shouldn’t have focused all their outrage on getting an FBI investigation, or at least been prepared to fight the post-sham battle. What they did was essentially willingly move their king into checkmate.
Your hands aren’t that big if you can use a single Joycon comfortably.
I suspect he knew that the investigation would be a sham. He rope-a-doped Democrats into placing all their chips on a single sham investigation that he knew would effectively exonerate Kavanaugh and enable him and the other pretend moderates in the Republican Party to vote to confirm.
You guys are giving him way too much leeway. He’s just a fucking lying hypocrite, like the rest of them.
Fuck Chuck Grassley with hot branding iron. Bullshitter angrily claims he wants to restore “civility” to the process he directly corrupted by supporting the refusal to consider Merrick Garland’s nomination, then supporting reliable partisan Republican replacement followed by shepherding a lying frat boy nightmare…
In South Carolina? If anything he’ll win by more than he ever has after this.
Kavanaugh already hated “the left.” His tantrum wasn’t over an unjust accusation, it was the possibility he might finally be denied something he wanted and having to accept responsibility for wronging somebody.
That’s what redaction is for. It would be very easy to redact personal info like that the release the meat and potatoes of the investigation.
A non-portable Switch is just a Switch that you don’t take out of the dock.
Hey, isn’t Megyn Kelly that woman that worked for and alongside all kinds of terrible men that harassed and molested multiple women for years, whom she then dutifully defended until it became politically expedient for her and her alone to turn on them?
If he’s like most Republicans I’ve known, he does legitimately care about his immediate female family members and female friends. He would defend them from attacks and seek justice and/or vengeance on their attackers.
Not that I didn’t know this before, but this Kavanaugh debacle is really driving home the fact that if a woman you know and love is sexually assaulted by a Republican, raped by a Republican, they will smear her as a liar and a whore.
My mom has a few boxes of all my crap from my childhood, including one from my teenage years. There’s probably an old planner in there that’s marked up similar to this (although conspicuously missing a BEACH WEEK).
We’re also not talking about whether somebody should be able to simply get hired for job either, or even a promotion into management. We’re talking about the f’ing Supreme Court. Nominees for lifetime appointments to our highest court should be extra f’ing elite, not “good enough.”
Now I want to know what Brian Kilmeade did in high school. That wasn’t anger, it was panic.
He’s not even denying the worst things while admitting that he liked to party when he was a kid, an admission that would humanize him. No, he’s going full-bore “I was just a-studyin’ and a-prayin’ and a-volunteerin’ and peckin’ girls on the cheek after a swell time at the malt shop!” bullshit, right to our faces,…
I’ve always wondered the same thing. It seems silly that the ballcarrier is allowed to attack an opponent’s helmet when that is strictly forbidden everywhere else.
The WaPo contacted the White House for comment about the story they were about to run revealing Ford’s identity. In between that contact and the story actually running — which I believe was just a few hours — Whelan was checking out Ford’s LinkedIn, meaning the White House told him who she was, meaning he was…
It’s worth noting that Whelan had to publish the story himself on Twitter because no media organizations would pick it up. He and his team were shopping it like crazy but nobody would bite because it’s so fucking stupid and gross.