
It’s a tough stand to take, especially since most of our legislators are religious themselves. Unfortunately the fascists are especially skilled at conflating criticisms of religious grifting assholes like Osteen, White, etc. with all Christians. So if and when someone goes after them, a bunch of regular church-going

It is funny how, through their terrible behavior, they’ve managed to improve my understanding of why people believe in heaven and especially hell. When you don’t expect evil people to experience justice in life, it is comforting to think they’ll suffer it after death. 

It’s proof that a benevolent god doesn’t exist. However, it is increasingly compelling evidence that at least one very cruel deity exists and is having the fucking time of its endless life right now.

Now playing

You should hear her when she addresses black audiences though.

I think you answered your own question and then dismissed the answer. It’s because they are greedy and selfish, supported by other greedy and selfish people. I know we want it to be more complicated than that, but it’s really not. Some people are just soulless greed monsters, and they will always lead or follow other

“I think so many people have taken biblical scriptures out of context on this, to say stuff like, ‘Well, Jesus was a refugee.’ Yes, He did live in Egypt for three-and-a-half years. But it was not illegal. If He had broken the law then He would have been sinful and He would not have been our Messiah.

This guy gets jokes. 

I mean, I don’t think Dems can actually block Kavanaugh in the first place. I’m just saying that if we actually did manage to “Bork” him, per your hypothetical, then we continue to fight and scrap and attack. 

Then we do it again and again until Republicans are out of power. Like they did to us.

I don’t think they should tiptoe around it at all. They should ask, considering that President Trump is under investigation for allegedly colluding with a hostile foreign power to influence an election, along with myriad other crimes, how he’d vote if a related case came before the Supreme Court, or if he’d at least

I think the goal is to prevent there ever being another Democratic president. Political parties don’t behave like this when they legitimately fear becoming the minority again.

They need to attack Collins and Murkowski. Preemptively blast them for even considering supporting a candidate that will obliterate women’s rights for a generation or more. Make it extremely clear that a vote for Kavanaugh is a vote against everything “centrist” and “moderate” they claim to be. Make it clear that this

Better yet, have a stranger film it. 

Are you taking a photo of a particular person or of a crowded Times Square? Because there’s a major difference. 

What adult involved at any level of politics would have zero connection whatsoever to any political party? And why should justices and potential justices be barred from having political opinions? And how the hell are average citizens going to cast an informed vote for a Supreme Court candidate that allegedly has no

I will always view them as illegitimate. Particularly Gorsuch. Any 5-4 ruling that they’re in the majority on will also be an illegitimate decision, in my worthless and powerless opinion.

Schumer needs to stop being cheeky and start making demands. It doesn’t matter if doesn’t actually have the power to act on them. He needs to act like he does, and that he will do everything possible to enforce his will.

You want the same electorate that cast 60 million votes for Donald Trump to elect our Supreme Court?

Bernie didn’t really do that at all, though. If anything, people criticized him for not using enough charts or paying enough attention to economics. 

They’re blind to both human nature and human history. They want to force society to relearn hard-learned lessons because they can’t be bothered to.