
“We are a people of diversity, but we come together to make America great again….I mean, listen, we are still the United States of America, not Divided States of America, and if we can’t talk better than what happened on the floor the other day.”

They do. I’m saying his appeal to basically limited to them.

Agreed. I find Trump repulsive, but I can see where, if I cared less about ... well, everything, that I could find him entertaining. And if my main concern in life was to piss off da libtards or “shock the system,” Trump certainly makes sense in furtherance of those goals.

Where are we getting the idea that Pence is clever enough to orchestrate anything? There’s nothing particularly sneaky about him, at all. He is an older-model Republican bible thumper, nothing more. He’s about as subtle as a wet fart in church.

He was known as one of the dumbest congressmen before he won the governorship. And he was on his way to reelection defeat before the Trump campaign bailed him out to win over evangelicals.

I think it’s weird that A. He’s only 58, but looks like he’s been sitting at 70 for decades, and B. he’s so white that he’s actually pink, like someone just freshly scrubbed any semblance of color from his skin.

It’s a myth that the majority of Trump voters are poor whites. More were solidly middle class or even upper middle, and live comfortable suburban lives. It also advances the “economic angst” myth for why people voted for Trump.

My friend and I have long joked that if our chosen careers ever peter out, our fallback plan is to become conservative pundits, because it’d be so goddam easy.

I remember when Mitt Romney was openly arguing that corporations were people and was supporting the exact same hard-right policies being pushed by Trump and the current Republican Party. So I mean, his Massachusetts time was nice and all, but the Mitt that ran for president was pretty damn right-wing (pretending he

Obama wasn’t dirt poor, though. His childhood certainly wasn’t conventional, but it was otherwise solidly middle-class. And he and Michelle were multimillionaires before he was president, largely from book royalties.

What value are they bringing their wealthy DC readers? Like they don’t already know how the hopelessly corrupt bread gets buttered in that town. Topped off with the “1.2 million isn’t even that much, you guys” playground brag. These people are worse than we think they are.

As well as anybody else that might enjoy fantasy or drama. A hell of a lot of people who have never read a Marvel comic book or played a video game based on the characters have gone to see a Marvel movie.

No part of his defense is in good faith. He’s gaslighting and throwing out buzzwords and putting up the usual smokescreen of BS to make this a purely political fight and identifying his persecutors as The Enemy.

Gaslighting. If you repeat a lie confidently, you can get a healthy percentage of people — say around, I don’t know, what’s Trump’s approval rating right now? — to believe virtually anything, even if it directly contradicts what they are otherwise seeing or hearing.

I have this scale. It works pretty well! Only had a few days where there were issues with the scale connecting to the app on my phone.

I have this scale. It works pretty well! Only had a few days where there were issues with the scale connecting to

I’m fully convinced that, assuming they actually read it — and that’s a huge assumption — they didn’t understand that the bad guys won.

Only a truly joyless person wouldn’t find that freaking hilarious.

This is some pretty decent trolling, Sergei.

You can run profiles on white supremacists that otherwise live very normal, mundane middle class lives ... oops, the NYT beat you to it.

Why is “unpredictable” preferable to “accurate?”