
Show me a “well-informed” person acting in good faith that believes human activity does not contribute to global warming and climate change. Show me a well-informed person acting in good faith that believes supply-side economics will improve the well-being of the American middle class. Show me a well-informed person

The Republican Party is a white supremacist rally. Don’t believe me? Look at what is being said at any RNC meeting, or CPAC, or the NRA conference, or any other gathering of conservatives in this country.

He’s also not pointing out anything that’s actually inaccurate here other than the banal observation that “there’s good people on both sides.”

Ha, gotcha. Honestly didn’t realize LaPierre had been around that long. What a disgusting legacy.

“Not a strawman, nor a fallacy. Please find me ONE single story about a Republican on any of these ex-Gawker sites that is purely positive.”

It sure seemed like a marketing arm for Big Gun during the Hesston years as well, if not earlier.

And they effectively made “liberal” a slur at least a couple decades ago, to the point that many Democrats actually tried to avoid being labeled with it.

They co-opted it long ago. They even launched a pre-emptive offensive by decrying “political correctness,” which has always been best translated as “things conservatives don’t want to be criticized for.”

Note: Conservative politicians have been using those tactics for far longer than the last decade.

The take isn’t “very single Republican is evil, awful, and corrupt because he/she doesn’t support the entire Democratic party platform,” it’s “Here’s yet another Republican that is evil, awful and corrupt, and here’s why.”

A black woman, playing that black music.

The idea that employees should face termination over any mistake, no matter how small or insignificant, is a big part of what’s wrong with our country right now.

I don’t even have a problem with the guy complaining about the music. But getting people fired over it, particularly when they were apparently very amenable to his complaint? Threatening these sustenance-wage workers their ability to feed and shelter themselves? That’s a giant overreaction and, ironically, should cost

Shapiro isn’t so much a lunatic as he’s just a dishonest antisocial asshole. Most of his shtick is to engage in a series of debate fallacies — I’m not exaggerating, 95% of what he says is a logical fallacy of some kind — and then whine that he’s being persecuted for his beliefs to his depressingly large fanbase of

It really is. It’s truly strange how certain people crave persecution, and constantly whine about it, and THEN have the marbles to criticize others as “hypersensitive snowflakes” when they speak out against things they see has harmful or disagree with.

And, if I ready correctly, at least two of the women had very similar stories about his pattern of abuse despite barely speaking to each other.

I doubt either of them care at all. They’re Mary Matalin and James Carville (except George Conway is hardly liberal like James). DC politics are 100% a game to these people.

Did you really expect him to be arrested for that? I mean, even though I believe he actually meant that, as opposed to the plausible denial of “He was joking, but I can’t imagine how the hell a prosecutor would actually be able to prove that quip represents treason, much less actually arresting someone for it.

Even when they don’t believe what Trump or his media defenders are saying, they like that he’s fighting back against the liberals and their Judenpresse. They justify Trump’s lies as “fighting fire with fire.”

They’re playing a different game than those long-time DC players, though. That’s the thing. They make terrible, dumb, dishonest and illogical arguments, but those arguments aren’t meant for you or me or anybody else that might actually apply a modicum of critical thought to what they’re saying. Those arguments are