Flow Bee

Why the hell does everything have to be so black and white? You can support trans people in every aspect but as soon as you disagree with trans-women competing against cis-women you are suddenly anti-trans? Men are biologically stronger than women. Sports relies heavily on strength. We have women’s leagues for a

Since everyone here seems to have dug in their heels regarding biology, how about we just look at political realities for a moment. Because the polling numbers for including biological men in women’s sports are fucking awful. The numbers were already bad in 2021 and they’ve gotten much worse since then.

Are you guys allowed to have a different opinion on anything ever? Men competing against women is fucking stupid. I cant believe you guys pretend it isn’t.

You think this piece admires her for her accomplishments? No, it’s just more fucking children not having the first clue about history before 2021.

Without Navratilova and others paving the way, Rapinoe might not have been able to live openly and represent the U.S.

Yeah, I can fucking do without the sneers at a woman who was outed against her will in 1981 and lived through Ronald Reagan and Jesse Helms.

You can support trans people without wanting to compete against them in a professional sport. This is a very hard concept to grasp for people who only see in extremes.

Your responses are incredibly childish. I’m not sure how I’m the troll when you’re the one being insulting in each comment.

Wrong. Women are helpless victims with no agency whatsoever. It’s the core principal of feminism.

From what I can tell Hill wasn’t forcing her to stay in the relationship. Were his “boundaries” excessive? Yes. But that doesn’t amount to abuse. I see no evidence that he was being coercive. He said what he wanted and told her to take it or leave it. There may be more to this that would make it actually coercive or

Does it possibly explain how he feels about women, and about liberals, and artists? Yes, armchair psychologists will have a field day with this.

Tucker Carlson is a goon. However, he was probably less of a goon at 6 when this woman didn’t seem to want anything to do with him. I don’t blame him for writing her off in turn. Maybe they thought they were owed the wealth because of her lack of mothering. It seems she brought multiple kids into the world and

Man. It is so chicken shit to go with this “unnamed A-lister” bullshit. A cynical PR tactic clearly meant to do exactly what this article is doing: fuel jiucy speculation so that any and all A-Listers can be rumored to be “THE ONE.”

I can’t help but wonder if any guy, especially a straight presenting one, could pull off what Drew is purportedly doing here. My theory is that it’d be greeted with either such revulsion or such horniness (and possibly both at once) that I’m not even sure they could manage to replicate the physical motions.

So much online hay was made in the runup to the first movie about it being tailor-made for MRAs and alt-right incel loners and there was so much hand-wringing about how it was going to inspire some surge in copycat theater shootings….and then it opened and fucking nothing happened except it made a billion dollars and

they were never dating. she is launching her career as a tabloid celebrity with a bunch of fake dates and pap walks. I’m begging you to have a shred of cynicism😭

I’m not sure this is exactly right. I think the left talks to those that make up Tate’s audience, but “We’re all in this together and sometimes being a kind and decent human means not taking everything you want” is going to have less appeal than “the reason you get everything you want is because you’re awesome and

Yeah, I’m pretty surprised that so many commenters here are forgetting that.

Did no one think, “Maybe a movie about a fat guy made by non-fat people needs to do a little bit more than describe fatness as prescription for misery?

She’s not off base at all.