Flow Bee

You know how calories eaten on vacation don’t count? For progressives, rapes against Jews don’t count.

She was nominated for Lady Bird, so this is only the second time. Nights & Weekends wasn’t nominated for anything.

Oscar so white is now Audience So White.... & Cis.

Isn’t the media acting all weird about this? How many think pieces do y’all plan on writing? 

There’s so much covert anti-semitism in progressive circles. And it’s crazy how quickly people revert to “secret Jewish conspiracies”. 

I often get the sense that there’s this real recalcitrance by many elements of the self-described ‘progressive left’ to form coalitions with people who don’t share their exact politics, regardless of whether there are issues or policy objectives that could very easily serve as the anchor for such a coalition, and get

I’m having a hard time understanding why PP (and the movement more generally) can’t focus on the critical task of promoting reproductive health and freedom in the US and preventing a theocratic dictatorship. As others have noted, liberals/progressives are, in good faith, in different places on the Israel-Palestine

I suspect the self-destructive craze for purity tests has a lot to do with it.

I don’t think Planned Parenthood has the time or expertise to weigh on Global Political issues. Nonprofits need a singularity of purpose to fund raise and to maintain an actual knowledge base. Not everyone who supports abortion is going to share the same view on the Israel Palestine conflict. Not everyone supporting

This circular firing squad/purity contest is so tiresome when we’re staring down the barrel of a possible dictatorship. (And I say this as someone who is nauseated by Israel’s indiscriminate bombing campaign.)

Reproductive rights, and protecting abortion, are some of the most popular issues in the Democrats’ wheelhouse and arsenal, to say nothing of other left-leaning political forces. Making support of that issue contingent on another, more or less unrelated and highly divisive geopolitical issue, is a fantastic way to

Only someone born post-internet would reflexively think “It was a different time” is meant to be a balm.

Lizzo or anyone on her team insulting anyone about fatness isn’t just rich because Lizzo is morbidly obese herself. Look you can have standards for dancers around how much they weigh to the extent it impairs them doing their jobs.

Using photos of a girl who turned you down in a high school to lie about her parents being racist is some deeply fucked up behavior 

Kind of shocked that the Jezebel commentators, not the writers, would be all “But comedians exaggerate” to defend Minhaj after making the most incel type shit story, I’ve heard.

I understand the impulse to just brush this off because “oh, well all comedians embellish for comic effect”. That was my gut reaction too. But this is a little more than that. For starters, Minhaj is one of those comedians who doesn’t even really tell jokes. He’s a clapter comic who goes up on stage to make points for

Because it was her brother, and when that fact becomes widely acknowledged it will blow up the narrative. Just like “THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY”

Somebody needs to buy her a publicist. Smug douchebag isn´t an endearing persona in her line of work. Even the male assholes pretend to be nice people until they get found out.  Not sure what her endgame is but it isn´t helping her cause. 

I figured that was part of the joke? A bunch of those 90s pop acts just sort of swapped people out and never said a word.

Thought it would be addressed in the article, but this is part of the “bit,” because the swap is referencing the Eurodance/vision trend of replacing singers at a moments notice because they are just lip syncing anyway.