Flow Bee

Couldn't have said it better myself.  All this is is trying to get in front of something and playing innocent.  Manipulated into seeing someone for a year?  No.  Caught is more like it.  

As if married men never manipulate women into having affairs.

Lmao its so damn funny seeing her try to play the “manipulation” card. All she does is manipulate poor losers into giving her money. 

Feels like a lot of dumb choices now are “exploitation” and “manipulation” instead of “well I made some real bad decisions there”

Only Prinsloo comes out looking good in this. Unless she is claiming some kind of strong arming here, I don’t see how she was “manipulated”. She wasn’t working for him. He has no direct power over her beyond his fame and it’s her choice to be blinded by his assholery or not. Stroh is 23, she knows what marriage is and

“When the affair began, she said, “I was young, I was naive. And I mean, quite frankly, I feel exploited. I wasn’t in the scene like I am now. So I was definitely very easily manipulated.”

Regardless of how you are positioning this, it takes all of the agency from Pugh. She consented to date him. For all we know, she pursued him, and not the other way around. To suggest that men dating younger women is a matter of wanting inequitable relationships suggests that the women in those relationships are just

No, no, it’s only soft, ladybrains that aren’t capable of thought until age 30 or so. 

Yeah, I love coming to Jezebel to see feminist takes like “Women are fucking idiots who can’t make important decisions until they’re at least 26.”

Congrats to Jez for playing their part in the bullying!

This coming from the guy who thinks ‘defund the police’ should still be a thing despite the fact that it’s failed to gain any traction beyond the fringe left and city-dwelling elites and despite the fact that it’s probably helped the other side morer? But god forbid progressives budge on their ideological

It’s not just you. I worked for a midwifery organization and they explicitly put out a memo saying that their efforts to make language more inclusive would not involve removing the term ‘woman’ from the language, because the midwifery profession is very much aware of its history and that it provided a counterpoint to

I will never have children and I still don’t like the idea of doing away with woman/women, for any reason. And I think a lot of women feel similarly and this is really a ridiculous hill to die on, one that will alienate more people than anything else, and - because the left sucks at messaging and thinks shaming and

This is just changing history. There has never, ever been 60 pro-choice Democrats in the Senate. Obama barely had the votes to pass the ACA, let alone get a controversial law passed that would have, at the time, seemed redundant given that Roe had been upheld by the court time and again at that point. There was zero

I am absolutely begging you to take a basic civics course.

That’s all I remember about Jezebel and other Gawker Media (circa that timeframe) websites. There was even an infamous Deadspin article with the list of writers saying that the election didn’t really matter or they would/might vote for Clinton but here’s all the criticisms and why others shouldn’t bother. This was

What next wave of young feminists? That won’t be allowed.

And RBG’s ego keeping her from stepping down...

I put this failure almost all on RGB too.

“...the other being how they neglected abortion rights and took them for granted” is spot on. Not getting around to passing national legislation over the course of 50 years and leaving such a highly controversial topic to stand on the basis of a frankly surprising court opinion was always courting disaster. Political