Flow Bee

Congressman Preston Brooks famously beat Senator Charles Sumner nearly to death with a cane in the Senate chamber for making a speech criticizing slavery and slaveholders. The blood from the attack still stained the marble floor well into the 90s, I believe.

I do not agree with the growing progressive notion that actors should only play themselves and if a role doesn’t encompass your identity 100% it’s problematic to take it. It’s silly and defeats the purpose of...acting.

White Americans like to project their racism onto societies of the past despite ample evidence this was not the case.

It was a thing one random day on Twitter when some progressive writer discovered old John Wayne interviews.

All the liberal white women that were on Twitter labeling this bit “misogynist”...yikes.

I’ve been thinking about this article since RBG died. Part of evaluating how we got here involves the left, feminists especially, looking in the mirror.

You’re both wrong. Sotomayor, an Obama appointee, was significantly to RBG’s left.

Millennial progressives are fucking ignorant as all hell and their schtick is past annoying and tired at this point.

“ If Candace Owens had a baby with Boyce Watkins and gave it up for adoption to Skip Bayless, Whitlock would eat that baby before it reached toddlerhood just to make sure it didn’t take his spot on the Caucasian cheerleading team.”

Actually, that was a pro-suffrage argument. “Let [white] women have the vote because it’ll just be another vote like their husbands.” And as this article points out, that has largely been borne out since white women got the vote.

The fact you feel inspired to ask the question is proof that no, we are not.

That’s not whataboutism. Explain why a 21 year gap between a man and woman is bad but a 32 year gap between two women isn’t. Is it because women are automatically at a mental disadvantage when opposite men?

Is your friend Arielle Scarcella? lol

I thought that I addressed this part when I said that white people shouldn’t say the word, but to be clearer, no it’s not okay for whites to say the word even when singing a song. Be that as it may, I find it hard to get “outraged” that one did so four years ago.

Probably an unpopular question, but one I have nonetheless:

Somehow, Flow Bee equates this deranged white woman calling the police because she was shamed over dog leashing as a reason to dispute #BelieveWomen

This incident perfectly encapsulates why I was never comfortable with the idea of #BelieveWomen and always got into heated debates in the comments regarding the notion that “women don’t lie about these things.” From the Scottsboro Boys to Rosewood, FL to Black Wallstreet in Tulsa, OK to Emmitt Till, White American

The frustrating thing is that a LOT of liberals warned about this obvious pitfall, but were shouted down. I remember saying where “Believe Women” would inevitably lead on here in the comments and getting piled on. Then we had Rolling Stone-UVA and that STILL didn’t make people realize the folly of the slogan.

I notice this little bit of news about Reade’s pathological lying was left out of this article. LOL

So Citizen Ruth was a documentary (that still holds up btw)