Dude is genuinely funny and charming. I went to the 15th anniversary screening of O Brother Where Art Thou and he had all kinds of funny stories during the Q&A. He seems like a truly affable guy who’d be fun to get a beer with.
Dude is genuinely funny and charming. I went to the 15th anniversary screening of O Brother Where Art Thou and he had all kinds of funny stories during the Q&A. He seems like a truly affable guy who’d be fun to get a beer with.
That’s ridiculous that the reporter would question Clooney about them at the UN for God’s sake.
That’s best seller caliber work there my friend.
What would your first book be? Mine would be Particularity! It would teach people some of the particular tricks that I’ve learned over my wisdom filled life: how to properly pick an apple, how to put your phone in a ziplock bag during rainy days, & drive slower in the right lane! These are just a few examples of the…
it is socialite. It works for both. (speaking as a male socialite)
Just remember, they’re only a Socialite if they’ve crashed to Earth. If they’re still in space, they’re just Social.
Ya, but sounds like he wants zero restrictions on those rights. Which will essentially destroy our national parks.
Producer 1: Jennifer Lawrence is hot right now!! Chris Pratt is hot right now!!
If that ignorance is killing people tho?
10/10 Would still hit it.
Cosigned from a Floridian. I don’t understand how anyone survived the heat and humidity alone back in the olden days. I’m pretty sure if a hurricane hit my city we’d all be screwed because most of us are very blaze to storms.
he strikes me as the kind of dude who thinks that five minutes of attention to something other than his own orgasm is downright heroic
Lol. The man is nice to look at and his voice is pretty soothing but yeah, I am sure it’s hard being in a committed long term relationship with him.
They actually have some cute sandals too. But the original croc clogs are a real eyesore.
The people are definitely the most frightening thing about Florida.
This, to me, is scarier than the sharks. I’ve lived in FL my whole life and have gone in the water quite a bit. Never seen a dangerous shark and only had one encounter with a possible bull shark eating a fish off a line but lightning? A tree in my yard just got struck by lightning a few weeks ago. When I was a pup,…
It’s great that libraries are evolving like this. They are great public spaces to have regardless and I’d hate to see them disappear in the future.
Good for Super Diego, but isn’t that an inbreeding risk? 40% of the hooded tortoise species are half-siblings.
So much this. Yes.