Oh yes. UNH.
Oh yes. UNH.
Amazing and also desperately in need of funds.
I think that what makes this even more disgusting is that, as a librarian, he would have been deeply affected by the budget constraints and cuts that every library is facing in this century--even in the Ivy League. He probably didn’t want to dictate where he thought it should go beyond the 100k to the library, but…
I have worked with the UNH library before, for my job. I can assure you that they are amazing and also desperately in need of funds, as are most university libraries. This is a horrible decision and UNH deserves all the public shame they are receiving over it.
And how the hell is a spray tan “#bodygoals”? You get one, and you’re done. It’s like writing a checklist of things you’ve already done.
THAT WAS REAL?!?! It was a plot line on The I.T. Crowd and I just assumed it was made up
Fuck you, he’s a goddamn presidential candidate of the other most important political party in America.
gah, I hate to rain on this lovely idea, but I live in Hollywood. There are Scientology buildings every other block for miles, the massive blue one by the hospital, and the celebrity center on Franklin. The creepy converts in suits handing out pamphlets to lure unsuspecting tourists to the “L. Ron Hubbard Museum”. The…
More than the apartments, I’m more annoyed by the “quirky female character who eats a lot of greasy, fatty food but maintains perfect skin and stays slim” trope. She’s not shallow like those salad eating bitches, she just LOOKS like them.
Anyone else sometimes suspect that all the complaining about New York from New Yorkers is just a scam to dissuade people from moving there?
was holding it together until this picture. gee, thanks friend.
“I don’t see color or race” is like culturally tone deaf go-to phrase A-number-one.
“funny how you don’t criticize women of color for straightening their hair.”
Some ladies put an extreme amount of value in bridesmaiding and especially maid of honoring. Like, it is a serious competition and it is vitally important. I’ve seen families torn apart. I don’t understand it, but it’s out there.
I plan on tricking him into giving it to us.
Got that in one, Buffy. I’m also concerned that your WWII analogy may be the most accurate one. It’s chilling, really.
Back when I was convinced that this country would NEVER elect a loudmouth, stupid, clueless, stupid, racist, stupid, bloated, stupid, lying, stupid man, everything was fine.
I feel oppressed and with a sense of impending doom also.