
Of course, now that would involve having to pay out of pocket instead of having it fully covered by insurance.

Is it okay if I- white, straight, male- play this game, too? Because I like it!

Cosmo was in a perfect position to do this. Everyone, including Ivanka, thinks they’re a dumb ladymag full of nothing but penis touching tips and other questionable advice, but their political reporting is actually pretty damn good.

I’ve been watching that little dog for like three minutes. Watching like a two year old, complete with slack jaw and inability to do anything more than breathe in amazement. The only reason I am commenting (except to say that I love it too much) is because I have to stop watching it or I will never, ever look away.

Sometimes, victims of rape will try to rationalize the assault or pretend that nothing happened because it’s easier than dealing with the trauma. People deal with trauma in different ways, and unless you’ve been there it’s really tough to understand.

Maybe they were friends and she felt like the first incident was an anomoly or wasn’t confident in her memory. And then woke up during the second incident and realized “dadgummit, this guy just won’t stop raping me when I pass out!”

A ton of schools require you to live on campus the first year or two unless you have a special situation.

“and everyone is still angry and hungover from the third consecutive Halloween party.”

This is from that linked CNN article too: “Testifying at the hearing Friday, Camp offered this defense for his comments: “a non-existent” knowledge of Canadian criminal law.

Calgary. Of course. Alberta is the Texas of Canada.

Is it still called the cavalry if it’s dogs instead of horses?

Only? Only?!?

How am I supposed to fight back a polar bear?!?!?

omg I want one. I’ll bet they’re great snugglers until they roll over you in their sleep.

signs from Churchill Manitoba (:

So, I’m reading this thinking “They dropped off dogs, after the bears ate one of their dogs?” then I found this, so...

I’m sorry to be a bother, but could you tell me more about this ‘boot graveyard’? I’d rather not google it myself because I have a fear of the sea (thalassophobia*) and don’t want to see a photo and go ‘well, I don’t need to sleep for the next few days’.

Are you me? This is my favorite summer activity, too!! After reading Dan Simmon’s book I was scrounging for every PBS show I could find on the NW passage.

please send any dreams, hopes and aspirations you may still be harboring to brendan at this address: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com, so that he can summarily and expediently reduce them and you to quivering despondent ribbons, which is better than you deserve.