That Donner Party documentary is EXCELLENT. And eerie. I’ve bought it on DVD a couple of times to lend to people and never get it back. The Buried in Ice documentary was filmed before they discovered the Erebus and Terror but does have the excavation of some of the early casualties graves. Love the Shackleton…
I read that book during the winter of 2013/2014 when on at least 2 occasions my office was closed for obscenely cold weather. I was super excited to see this trending last night.
I am inordinately fascinated with the Donner Party.
Me too! Did you see Buried in Ice? I think it’s on YouTube now. And there’s a fab Donner Party documentary called, naturally, American Experience: The Donner Party. Lovers of gruesome, icy death unite!
I fucking hate “Wuthering Heights”. :/
I adore your enthusiasm for this topic.
A vote for a 3rd party is a vote for Trump. You think any of the Republicans are going to vote 3rd party because he’s burning their party down around them? Nope. They’re gonna fall in line, and they’re gonna put Trump in the White House, because people like you who could have stopped them threw your votes away.
You are forgetting/not aware that Samantha Bee is Canadian. Canadians have been voting strategically for ages, even though we do not have a two party system. That’s because we are well aware of vote spliting in the real world. How else do you think we got stuck with Stephen Harper so long? And how we finally got…
Al Gore lost New Hampshire, Ohio, Nevada, Florida, and Missouri by less than 5%. Guess what percent of the electorate voted for Ralph Nader in those states?
Okay, but until you get that reform, you shouldn’t get angry at people who recognize the fact that the way it is right now we’re picking between the two finalists that have been selected. You can abstain or do the effective equivalent by voting for a third party, but that foesn’t actually accomplish anything. The…
Mathematically, you’re voting for Trump.
So you are okay with overly-bombastic, misleading shaming rhetoric?
If you don’t like the two party system, you should be fighting for reform by changing the voting system, not by voting for third parties under our current system, which doesn’t help end the two party system.
Sorry that you have to pretend Hillary Clinton alone is personally responsible for every war the US has been involved in EVER, so that you can help Donald Trump get elected.
You don’t get to just pretend that your moral high ground doesn’t have real world consequences, jerk
It’s fine that you don’t want to vote for a candidate that you don’t think represents your ideals, but it is also fine that Bee lives in the real world and recognizes that: (1) there are only two candidates with a chance to win this presidential election and (2) if you refuse to vote for the one that most closely…
I’m sure deep down she really respects your need to remain morally pure.
Sam Bee is not obligated to support your quixotic dream of remaking our democracy at the expense of our actual democracy.