
Fun fact: when my union was negotiating our contracts last summer increasing paid maternity leave for professors and staff was basically the first thing taken off the table because male professors on the negotiation team were all “but then we’d have to give dads paternity leave!” Heaven forefend!

This morning from the Swiftwatch desk, this dress:

There are a whole range of interesting possibilities if you start with a Teenage Mutant Nina Turtle. Let’s see ...

Damn, better tell my dad those years he had of taking care of us while my mom worked was because he was a ""wife"" and not because he was our parent and was collaborating with my mom to raise the children they both had equal responsibility to raise. Woop woop.

I worked in fashion very briefly and used the classifieds to find work. The classifieds included fit modeling jobs. Fit models are behind the scenes for production and manufacturing, not advertising. They are not in magazines or on runways. They have very specific measurements, and they have to maintain them, neither

I hate online shopping, but it’s become my go-to for pants. It’s where the long pants hide. My struggle lies in my hips/thighs to waist ratio. I’m curvier than a regular because my hips and thighs have been exploding recently, but don’t have the extreme curve that most curvy pants are made for. If your hip: waist

I’m usually a “different strokes for different folks” but there’s something about polygamy, specifically in a religious context, that I just can’t get with. I’m perfectly willing to accept that I’m biased, but it just seems ripe for abuse to me.

It’s more complicated than that. In many, many cases, the victims are under *intense* pressure from their communities not to testify or acknowledge their own abuse. Take our rape culture and ramp it up to 10; remove education, resources, and sometimes things as basic as a birth certificate (and try moving somewhere

He’s a creep, all right. I watched the first two seasons of the show and was mystified by what all these women saw in him. Especially when the wives would cry and talk about how jealous they were of one another, and you could tell he was totally getting off on it. Jerk.

Kody’s situation is an anomaly.

once one of his wives used the hypothetical example of her having more than one husband and he was repulsed by the thought.

I’d like to hear their thoughts on a woman with several husbands.

Nordstrom, if you’ve got $$$, and Nordstrom Rack, if you’ve got $$ is great for large shoes.

They’re made for 5'4" ladies wearing heels.

i am close to 6ft

I feel your pain. But at the opposite end of the spectrum, clothes are not made for giants. At 6' it’s really difficult that get clothes that fit.

I like your handle!

*LOL* I am trying to imagine her 80-pound German shepherd (his name is Lucifer for a reason...) consenting to such indignities. Her beagle-something-or-other mix is generally up for anything, though.

I have to say, I would feel a lot better about public transportation if I got to see cats instead of 14 ads for injury attorneys.