
Wow. It is too early in the day/week to have to read that pile of garbage coming out of that woman’s mouth.

I’m picturing you holding a champaign flute, pinky extended. With a cigarette in a cigarette holder.

Wow. This seems like a really, very cool event. Cheers to Opening Ceremony!

What really gets me is that the rape depicted in the film is not a part of Nat Turner’s narrative. I know that rape was used as a weapon against slaves and I am not trying to diminish that at all, but I am really uncomfortable with the idea of watching a movie with a rape scene written by two men who themselves were

Ironic yes, but also good business too. You can’t really argue with her unless you want to look like an ass, so that puts her in a strong position to push the film without having the backlash that Parker has to face. She is definitely the one who has the “power” in this scenario. I like it.

‘Rigged?’ hehheh Does he think this is spelling bee?

I’ve got about 10 more weeks before they will consider inducing me. So, a lot may change. My doctor says if my baby moves as she grows even just a bit, it may lower my inflammation enough to change my entire life and let everything go to plan but in her experience, women with my condition end up with a c-section. And

Thank you. No. My OB is a kickass woman who hated her pregnancies. And hers apparently weren’t anywhere near as appalling as mine has been :/ She wants me to labor with an epidural because I have a pelvic condition and she’s pretty sure if things get worse or don’t improve, I’m looking at a c-section or if I don’t, a


Most of u know that I have been a special needs teacher/administrator for nearly 18 years, the only job I have ever known. Excuse me now, there is a huge lump in my throat and I’m sobbing as I write this. Of the hundreds of children with special needs that I have worked with, I can tell you that every single one of

On the plus side, Hillary Clinton be all like:

Feel free to disagree with me. Here’s my take. Choosing chastity as a woman isn’t feminism. Choosing chastity as a woman and having the right to not be judged as less or more of a human being because of it is feminism.

There are many different parenting styles for many different children.

I hear you, weight issues are really hard in our society, ESPECIALLY for women. Sometimes what helps me when I get the negative self-thoughts is to think about the fact that our society hates women so much that is trains women to hate our own bodies...and that’s such a fundamental thing. Our bodies enable us to live,

I love sex with lots of giggling, usually happens after a blunt or two. It makes sex a lot more fun and intimate IMO.

Great advice, thank you! I am doing the weight loss journey right now so while the stretch marks may not disappear, I hope to one day become confident enough where I don’t have to compare myself to other women.

One thing that did bring a smile to my face (also off-topic) Im kinda liking the new look!:

This is true. I am very lucky that both candidates have exactly the same experience as well!

You’re lucky you came along at a time when the media is so focused on treating both candidates equally.

I lived in the Twin Cities with my husband for 4 years before we moved to ATX last January. The Jacob Wetterling case is nothing less than a tragedy that has haunted everyone in MN for almost 3 decades. For that gossip columnist to somehow dig at Jana over what she wore to work that day is disturbingly low. She truly