
Rich, I gotta take issue; at what point were furry top hats, adorned with steampunk goggles going to come into style?

I’m not sure if someone answered this yet, but YES! They are still married. I follow Sarah on Instagram and she just posted pics of them celebrating an anniversary. :)

But for me, personally, it’s Edward Norton. He could play a droll magician with an elvish accent and I’d watch that shit over and over again!

You may have a point...

Does Will Smith just take any part given to him as long as he’s a father either separated from his kids or lost them forever?

I saw the Youtube image of Will Smith in a beanie and thought this was a trailer for Hancock 2

I have such a love-hate relationship with Kylie. I hate that she comes off as kinda vapid and only interested in beauty at such a young age - BUT the girl can take a damn photo and knows how to pull of anything she wears. I want to follow her on instagram so badly but I can’t bring my old ass to do it.

That was my first thought! It must be hard being the 5th - all the personalities/characters are taken I guess. But Jesus Kylie. Dump Tyga, move away, go to Community College and find your own identity, sister.

A shorter skirt length to show off the boots is needed.

I listened to a podcast around a year ago that Sarah was on, and they were still married.

Of course they’re still married with a couple of kids and an adorable, recently released recipe book. Freddy & Sarah 4 ever.

They are still married! They just celebrated an anniversary. Thanks Buzzfeed for this shameful knowledge.

Still married, with kids & dog, still cute as hell.

They are still together. I just saw an enthralling story about them taking their kids out for frozen yogurt last week.

Oh my gosh, 3 months of dating is almost like no time at all if you’re not famous. You’re dating just long enough to discover the other person doesn’t like cheese on their hamburgers and GIRL THAT IS WHEN YOU KNOW IT IS OVER.

A reference to vegan/vegetarians would have been the sprinkles on this cute cupcake of a commercial.

But what do the vegans say?

That ad is adorable. Can I be friends with all of these people? Today?

I once tried a Cosmo Move™ with all sincerity in my early twenties and it remains, to this day, one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever done.