
I love that within one sentence he says there are people coming from Syria...we have no idea where they are coming from!!!!

I’m loaded up on athleisure because guilt-free pajamas in public is my jam.

Dear God. That gave me chills.

A 73-year-old lady in Ireland was brutally raped and her victim statement just ripped me apart. She dedicated part of it to all the women and children who were abused and silenced (by families and institutions) in Ireland for so many years:

Slightly related. Help me with my Stranger Things Halloween costume. I’m doing the wall. I found this dress which I’m considering tea staining to get the right effect.

hopefully by the end of S2 i will be able to determine if det. hopper is attractive to me or no

The bf and I spent all day Saturday watching season 1. Cannot wait.


Nah, but her assistant is:

What a perfect excuse though! “Sorry, I can’t talk to you/date you/go down on you/whatever it is you expect to happen right now. I have to catch ‘em all. Maybe after I fill up my pokedex? No its ok I have too many Pokémon right now to wrote down your number."

How is it ironic that the cops are at his home?

Fuck this asshole. My daughter is autistic. She has been autistic since she was born. I knew there was something different long before she got the MMR vaccine. My daughter being autistic is just who she is. She sees and processed the world differently. That’s okay. I wouldn’t change her even if I could. To me it

Ew. Ok so, Dan Bacon is a “nice guy” turned “PUA.” I’m adding him to my Vagenda as well.

There are wild babies roaming Florida?


Have you noticed that if you walk into a public bathroom while a woman is pooping she will stop and there will be an eery silence until you leave? I want to tell one of these women to just let it go and poop because the silence is SUPER awkward. This happens at my work ALL THE TIME. I almost feel guilty for

I make 6 figures annually being a trucker. Whats the problem here?

I bet you say that to the plumber you frantically call after a pipe burst while your home is about to get flooded. If all these ‘little people’ would just deny you service, you’d have a hard time surviving.

Seriously? If you like to travel, and love to drive, truck driving is a great career! It takes skills and confidence, and pays much better than flipping burgers. Plus there’s no dress code, no office cubicles or politics, and nobody watching your every move while you work! I loved it- I made more money and had more

I'd bet most of the current crop of truck driving school attendees will be retired before federal DOT officials allow rigs without a person there to keep an eye on things becomes the norm. If nothing else it may take awhile for the cost of pure autonomous trucks is low enough to make it an option for the bean counters.