
At least you’re not knee-deep in some stagnant pond Lady-of-the-Lake-like, peering at your nude, chubby King Arthur and his canine Knight of the Roundtable, Sir Barksalot.

Down South they call them “Sprinkles” because you don’t need a full shower but people insist on doing SOMETHING.

YOu seem to be doing the Lord’s work here.

I was already kind of pissed that I spent 2-3 months of my life watching these two “shades of beige” paint sample strips talk about how excited they were to talk to each other... it would be a creative form of torture to watch them struggle to find a new topic. Ooh! He threw her a piece of fruit at the supermarket and

This... this is some hot garbage, mate.

No one is forcing you to read or participate.

It’d be cheaper, sure, but it’s debatable how advantageous a shorter election season would be. Our election seasons are as long as they are because unlike in a lot of other Western democracies, our parties pick their leaders right before an election and they start fresh every (or every two if your party is in power)

Graduate students are not interns, that’s a load of BS. In my first year in graduate school, I was taking 3 classes, expected to attend two seminars a week, teach 3 lab classes weekly and conduct research. I was severely underpaid and survived because I was living in a cheap small Texas town. Universities are

Yeah, Foucault was mentioned literally zero times, and I don’t even see the words hegemony or panopticism anywhere in there.

as a side note, yes, i do believe that there is some hypersensitivity over certain things, but that’s beside the point.

OMG I never knew I needed “fremdschamen” in my life, but I experience that ALL THE TIME. I cannot watch, for example, bad comedy shows or bad singers. It’s so awkward and I feel so embarrassed for the performers.

I will never forget the time that my cousin told me “I have sex with my boyfriend every day because that’s what a good girlfriend does”. I said “well, I am going to make some man very unhappy some day”. And she just patted my shoulder.

Snigger all you want but he does have a point. Every time I get into shape (I am so not right now) my sex life improves exponentially. Mainly because I feel like I look good naked.

If John Krasinski is still jacked a year later - and feeling awesome in his renovated dad bod - I feel for Emily Blunt. Every time HungryHubby goes on a fitness kick, all he can talk about are (1) his workouts and (2) his caloric intake, and all I can think about is punching him in the face.

It’s a little clipboard that you can clip your shopping list to.

Lol it made me think of an ipad holder too! I have no idea what it is.

What is that thing in the shopping cart? Do all shopping carts in Britain have an ipad holder? I need one of these for my trips...

How exhausting to have to pay attention to repeating your outfits. I’m doing well if I remember to alternate my two fancy dresses every year for the company Christmas party.

Didn’t Florida have an excellent mosquito handling policy in place that the Tea Party government dismantled? What goes around, comes around.

If Rick Scott says there’s 5, there’s 50.