
I feel bad, theoretically, that she’s getting dragged into this shitstorm. Overall, I feel like candidates spouses/family should be left out of the media circus unless their is a specific reason. But between the way the Trump campaign is basically being run by his family and the way he has shit on everyone vaguely in

THANK YOU! This really needs to be said more often. This is a bit off topic, but a cell phone, for one, is no longer a luxury, and I wish more folks could wrap their heads around that. I run a housing program for homeless young adults, and I can 100% confirm that it is nearly impossible to obtain or keep a job—any

I think, comparing privilege to the absolute floor is a semantic crime. An overwhelming majority of us - probably something like 90% of Americans under the age of 30 - can go back home and live rent free, if there are no alternatives [ie, jobless]. Being able to do so isn’t privilege, anymore than saying having 2 legs

.....You get a double dose with the racism combined with sexism.

Racism was allegedly over because we elected a black president too

........only 23% of Republican men think obstacles exist for women. Not surprised! Also, one of the lead headlines on either CNN or NYT yesterday was “Trump loses ground with key supporters: White Men” I shit you not. I was laughing so hard.

Also this is my favourite bit. I love Julianne really.

I know I’m being trolled but

The south part of Detroit is called Detroit. South of that, across the Detroit River, is Windsor, Canada.

South Detroit is also known as Windsor.

“costing between $36,080 and $42,555 a year per student”

My entire Bachelor’s degree from a large state university (2001-2006) cost me slightly less than that IN TOTAL.

What the actual fuck.

OMG!I spotted a vulpix on my sights today too, but i didn’t know where it was so it disappeared :( Haven’t caught one yet.

They’re beta testing the feature. I live in San Francisco but work north of the city, and the feature only works when I’m in the city. At work I just have the Sightings tab. So it might not be based on user, but based on where you live. They are testing the feature and it will spread to more users over time.

Just got the update and I have the new “sightings” system. It appears to update a lot more frequently. I’m looking forward to testing out the range when I’m not at work.

I often wonder what my streaming profiles think of my watching habits honestly. Especially Netflix, “are YOU still watching Bill Nye the Science guy?” Yes I am Netflix, I am 25 drunk and watching science experiments, WHAT DID YOU DO TODAY JUDGEFLIX?

I’d star you more than once if I could. Your post made me smile.

new life goals:

Hum, if you’re getting guys who look like Adam Wiles on OkCupid, I like your algorithm way, way better than mine. I mean, yes, he’s a douche. But he's also quite doable.

Aaaand that’s why I find him kinda cute. I have really, REALLY terrible taste in men.

Tell me about it as I sit over here in 8.25% interest wondering if I can somehow sell my house to pay that off because I can get a mortgage for half that rate.