My dog got so tired of the squeeze hugs and crying and hid under the bed this morning and refused to come out.
My dog got so tired of the squeeze hugs and crying and hid under the bed this morning and refused to come out.
These are all in a pre-globalized, pre-nuclear world. Last night my mom talked about how America survived X, Y, and Z national issues and I just thought but this is a global issue. This is European arms-race leading into WWI levels of scary and German nationalism leading into WWII levels of scary. This is Cuban…
Fraaaaaaaaaaaaaaak Florida is so fraked once mosquito season is back in full swing because zika is here to stay y’all and it’s not going away and Rubio insists we childbearing age ladies keep those zika fetuses and don’t get abortions if infected because God is probably punishing us for our promiscuous lifestyles if…
My boyfriend and I did a Saturday morning brunch candidate research session (cheesy waffles scrambled egg breakfast sandwiches make the bitter political pill go down better) before we did early voting in Florida. It was really fun to debate and discuss pros and cons.
It’s #ImAgainstHim, not #ImWithHer, but the fact that she talked about it publicly is good, particularly in the face of all those “conscience voters”.
As a tiny house renter, I loved Tiny House Hunters. “Why can’t I have a full-size bath and a Viking oven range? Where will I hang my fugly full-sized paintings?” You just wanted someone to take them aside and explain what a tiny house really is because clearly they didn’t get it.
Whaaaaaat?! Did not know! Brb, gotta go catch up on my restaurant drama!
I use the “oh I’m a pet parent!” joke excuse to deflect from the inevitable questions about why I’m not yet married with 2.4 children at the spinsterish age of 26 when I go home to my conservative town for the holidays. People usually leave me alone after that.
The movie “Lars and The Real Girl” addresses this in a way. Ryan Gosling’s character dates a real doll named Bianca who is NOT a sex doll (she’s a missionary and wants to wait until marriage) as a coping mechanism to deal with his anxiety. It’s a cute movie, with his entire family and town making Bianca feel welcome…
I’m politely called a “buffet Catholic” because I pick and chose the parts I like and I have a lot of very Catholic friends and very agnostic/atheist friends who feel the need to point out that some of my beliefs don’t exactly align with the official version of the Catholic Church. As a single human being, I can…
I just think it’s interesting how much the evangelicals point to the Old Testament, which is full of fire and brimstone and madness (God smiting people with a plague of hemorrhoids and mice is still my favorite) and completely ignore the messages of self-sacrifice and humility and love and tolerance in the New…
All the stars for the cutest family ever!
My boyfriend regularly talks about some study (which I haven’t read and can’t speak to the authority of) about how it’s about calories, not what you eat—ie, you can eat 1600 calories of hostess snack cakes or 1600 calories of a balanced diet—that determine if you lose weight. I think he was just blessed with the kind…
People still eat at Subway despite the fact that there are likely better sandwich shops within stumbling distance. I think it’s a convenience thing.
Yes! And Millihelen! Do you think if we all buy enough Jez merch those sub blogs will come back?
I watched Once Upon a Time eagerly the first season (I liked the creepiness, it was like SyFy’s Haven or Twin Peaks Lite with a lot under the surface) despite its flaws, stuck around for the second season out of high hopes for writing geared toward a more adult audience, and then coasted until the season finale where…
St Paul MN got a light rail and, while we bitched and moaned about the construction, it has had higher than projected ridership because apparently the people who planned it didn’t think about the fact that the route would take people places they actually wanted to go (whaaaaaa?! madness!!). This is better than the…
Seconded! I come to Dirt Bag because I am lazy and only want to read the links about people I recognize. This laziness is forcing me to be less lazy. And you won’t like me when I’m less lazy (Jk, I’m too lazy to carry out vaguely threatening statements).
That sign is fantastic!