
House flippers and the guy I am currently dating. He bought a hoarder’s home still filled with junk that was politely labeled a “handyman special!” and then cleared out all the junk, stripped it to the studs (the house had good bones), and started again. He has only recently managed to sell off the creepy RV full of

I am sorry, that sounds like a really tough situation for you. It’s hard to tell someone they are a hoarder when they aren’t to high-level, horrific levels of hoarding yet, but even mid-level hoarders need an intervention.

I’ve helped friends edit their dating profiles to get better matches, but that’s because I did a ton of research on dating profiles (well, research of the articles other people wrote about their original research) so I was considered a somewhat expert. There was usually a bottle of wine involved so it was more giggly

Little 2012 Honda Fit! I think it looks like a large friendly cat from the front.

I met my current boyfriend on OKC after using it for five years in four different states and I have to say that the relationship norms of whatever city I was in made a huge difference. The college town on the East Coast wasn’t bad, I met some really cool people by initiating conversations with guys I was interested

Oh, whoops, good to know! This is a pretty hefty list!

I saw it as inspiring that Jolie could say “whoa no” and move so quickly to protect her kids. She has the independence and the resources to leave, unlike a lot of women and children who suffer abuse, but I thought it sent a clear message that abuse is not okay and if it happens you need to get out. It would be nice if

All my cars are grey because they are less likely to show scratches or dirt. It’s just practical.

It’s not girly, it’s Prince-themed!

Yes, Laura Bush’s FLOTUS program was children’s literacy.

When I first saw this I thought it was an update on the shooting yesterday. I feel like the “two incidents within 36 hours” phenomenon happened with Sterling and Castile too.

Wow, the mini fridge is actually a fantastic tip! I am currently spoiled by a tiny house where everything is only five steps away, but if I ever move somewhere where my kitchen is more than five steps from my couch, I’m doing that!

Hey y’all! The Deep South is the land where Lily Pulitzer and Vera Bradley rule supreme, with prints themed to southern colleges with strong Greek presence. It’s a thing!

OMIGAWD ARE WE ALL DOING IT WRONG?! Halp, halp, please advise with your wizdomz

Eh, I think hunt may be an issue if it’s out-of-season. In Florida there is a lot of hunting just for population control (deer, boar, gator, python) but it’s strictly regulated and usually confined to short seasons. Allowing people to hunt out of season could get real bad, real fast.

You sound like a dangerous person for trees in thunderstorms to be around! I once had lightning strike a stop sign while my car was stopped at it and the noise and the brightness so intense it gives me goosebumps just to remember.

At one point we were slated to be in Hermine’s path and so I packed up all the hurricane gear and various critters and hung out at a friend’s more tornado-resistance apartment....and then we sat on the balcony drinking beer with the cat and the dog because the weather was so crazy. Thank gawd Hermine veered North and

Eee! Moss!

Maybe he has gone bald and can’t pull it off?

I have a pair of the croc flats and a pair of the croc Mary Janes. Two people have asked if they are crocs in the year and a half I’ve been wearing them; everyone else is either oblivious or too polite to comment. And they are the most durable and comfortable flats I have ever owned. So don't knock the croc!