
Its not so much the actual trucks but the people who often buy them. Immature men who think that buying one, lifting it, applying a coupla’ “Metal Mulitia” and punisher skulls stickers on them along with whatever other redneck shit that is SUPPOSED to make the rest of us intimidated but ( to me ) looks so stupid that

Or rather, un-pimp the auto?

And this article highlights why we get larger and larger trucks. And that reason: People are insecure, and that is completely sad. (FYI: The first person that replies with “I use my 1-ton every day”... congratulations, you win... here is your cookie).

Side note: I like trucks, I think they can be very useful in a ton

I think this is different. Something in your food probably came from the kitchen. A bedbug on a plane came riding on a passenger. He’s as likely as anybody if he just came from a hotel.

This is one of those that is really cool as someone else’s car. No Dice. 

From what I understand of bed bugs, the only way to prevent them from ending up on planes would be to burn all passenger clothes and belongings before boarding and then throw away the entire plane after each use. It sucks, but all this foot-stamping about American not being obsequious enough in its response to a OMG

Is he sure he’s not the one who brought the bug onto the plane?

Whether they said anything or not, the post-Depression behavior of my blue collar grandparents set a strong example for me as a kid in the 70s and 80s.

The Honda Del Sol VTEC. To preface, I have a soft spot for the Del Sol by virtue of having previously owned one in Si trim, but the VTEC is much closer to what the Del Sol should have been from the get-go, provided you’re willing to overlook the FWD drivetrain. The entry-level S trim with its pokey 105 HP just

This is hilarious!

2nd gen Buick Regal, hmmm..

Gotta be the Altima with the 3.5 in it. The holy grail for the BHPH crowd. 

Ford has entered the chat.

If Trump and Vance are the cream of the “white” race, replace away...

Christ I hate JD Vance...

He wants kids to die in car accidents. He wants people to pump out extra kids to replace their killed ones. Its perfect logic if you are a repulican.

Why, in the world, is ANYONE voting for people this far removed from any reality?

But for just 3x the usual price you can now have it delivered - late & lukewarm at best - to the comfort of your own hovel!

It’s absurd to comprehend how using one part of an app, in this case UberEats can somehow affect your rights if you are involved in an accident riding in an Uber drivers car.

civil rights we fought and died for surrendered for a hamburger’s taxi ride.